Thursday, March 23, 2023

Hibberts in the Gym

Hello - a silly picture of Katharine to start of this post - doing a normal smile - 

And then trying out her best fake "force it" smile, ha!

That's a pretty good cheesy grin, Katharine! You take after Lily.

My sister Camilla and her significant other Steve, arrived safely last night. I fell asleep before they got here, but I met them this morning after I got back from climbing. Corey was visiting with them over breakfast and I joined in. I actually said hello and gave Camilla a hug before I left to take carpool. She was up, as her body is on Indiana time. It's great to see her, and Steve is very nice. Daniel performed his Lady Liberty song for Steve, and a few others. Another thing that was funny was when Steve met Wes, they shook hands, "Hi, I'm Steve." "Hi, I'm Wes." "Nice to meet you. I'm the adult man that will be using your shower..." that made Wes laugh, and was funny enough to impress a teenager. He came to me after and said "I like Steve, he's cool." They left around 11 to go to Provo, and I stayed home and was in a good cleaning mood and did a really good job, covered a lot of ground - even vacuumed my bedroom! It's always a little more enjoyable to clean when you know that it will last longer than 30 minutes! This is going to last 10 days, since we are leaving tomorrow, yay. I cleaned today - tomorrow we pack, and leave hopefully around 1. 

Camilla and Steve went to visit my parents at 11 and then headed to Provo to go to the Provo City Center Temple. I've never been to that one. Then they walked around BYU a bit, went and got Graigry, then met us at the church, which I had reserved from 5-9 tonight. So that was a fun get together. Bad news - both of Neil's dodge balls had holes, so no gaga ball today. We had a lot of fun playing chair soccer though.

Sophi had two friends come join us and we all had fun. One time I got Neil out, and then he was throwing the ball to try and hit my chair to get me out, but nailed me in the face. So if I have a half purple bruised head in our photos at DC, that's what it's from. Owen tripped once and hit his head hard on the floor. He immediately tried to put on a smile and a brave face but we could tell it hurt and he was fighting back the tears through his smile and Abi and Lily scooped him up with love and hugs. Owen is such a sweet kid. He was so good and patient at sitting when he got out, but I felt bad cause the girl that got him out, one of Sophi's friends, wasn't a hot target to get, so no one got her out for a lot time until I asked Neil to do it. Then Owen was back in. He wants me to tell you that he even got Abi and Lily out! My dad held Katharine and kept her safe from the ball while we played, although she and Peter had a few close calls. We signed up Owen and Daniel both to play spring soccer, and they are really excited!

I didn't think of getting a group pic until after my parents had already left and we were heading out - so it's a hallway shot - 

aaaand selfie mode with me, Lily, Lucy, and Graigry behind us. We love having fun with the Hibberts!

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