Saturday, March 25, 2023

Travel Log & Eating Out

Hello hello. We have arrived in Virginia. We are in Williamsburg, but we landed in DC at the Regan airport. We drove around the mall just for a bit, and saw the crowds who have come for the cherry blossoms. Our drive around DC made us miss shopping at Costco before it closed, so I went by Walmart, but first we went out to eat at Red Robin at Potomac Mills. 

We bought pizza. 

It was good. And usually, when Corey and I go out to eat on date nights, I am surprised when I see parents eating out with their children. Like, why would you do that? So expensive, kids are so rowdy and noisy and messy. But, maybe they are travelling with their kids! So now I shall not be perplexed by the families I see eating out. I shall tell myself that they are from out of town. It totally makes sense if you're from out of town. So after the restaurant, Corey headed to the hotel with the little kids, and I took Abi, Lily, and Sophi and we went to Walmart and got food for us to survive tomorrow until I can go to Costco on Monday. 

So we're staying at King's Creek resort, and it's really nice! We're here in our own little house. It's nice. I'm glad to have a place to relax after our long trip. We drove from SL to Las Vegas yesterday. I was VERY glad that we hit the Virgin River Gorge before it was dark. It was even a little bit green! It was beautiful. And then we hit traffic and were stuck for an hour, but we were out of the scary canyon and were able to see the sunset, so it was nice. Mel's BeReal -

Mel came with us, and then she drove Corey's car back to SL. I drove his car down, he drove a rental car (for $12 bucks, total! An amazing deal).

Katharine yesterday morning, she was not excited to go on a long drive in the car!

She actually did wonderful though. I'm sure it helped her stay calm by seeing Mel. We listened to Brian Regan and Jim Gaffigan on our drive down and laughed a lot. We arrived at Worldmark in Las Vegas and had pizza for dinner. I bet we'll have a lot of pizza on this trip. Corey telling the little boys a story as he tucked them in bed - 
Cute kids.
And then we were up at 4:45 am this morning to leave for the airport - needed time to return our rental car first. 
Mel came back to the room to take a nap before her drive back to Provo. We checked baggage, then walked by the slot machines...
Taking the escalator up, everyone say cheese. 
Katharine did super great on the plane. 
We had a layover in Dallas. 
K fell asleep when the plane was landing.
Tuckered out in Dallas - 
And getting our boarding passes for one more plane to DC.
Peter looking out the window as we take off - 
And we arrived in DC safe and sound - 
Got our baggage - 

And yeah, drive down to Williamsburg wasn't bad. We're going to prob sleep in tomorrow and then will go to church and have a day to recover before we have a fun and busy week. Plans are to go to Busch Gardens, see Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown, and Monticello and then head to DC on Friday. Should be fun.

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