Sunday, March 26, 2023

King's Creek

Hello from Virgina! We are staying in a cute little house at the King's Creek Plantation. 
It's a house all to ourselves, and the flowers are so pretty right now! It's super nice to have our own walls (since we tend to make quite a bit of noise.) Dinner time tonight - spaghetti.
It's been nice having a day to recoop. We went to church today and just happened to run into two different people who went to Skyline High School with us. It is a small world in the church! We are going over to eat with one of them later this week (Kathy) and the other one is a professor at the University of Virginia. We picked up a game of Mancala at the game center here, and that's been the big fun event of the day. 
People talking smack and challenging each other to another round of Mancala. 
Katharine keeps trying to eat the pieces. Scrabble has been another hit. The boys liked spelling words with that one, or making up some game of their own.
Lily enjoying herself in her queen bed, with her champagne glass full of water. 
Peter showing us his talent of drawing stick figures! Really good, Pete!
We had a fun discussion tonight in the girls lock off suite. Owen gave up there, he's the dead body on the left. 
Corey kept the rest of us awake and in rapt attention. Discussing all sorts of the crazy things in this modern world that they get to grow up in and try to navigate. 
Katharine enjoyed some ice cream and then was being cute laughing at Wes.
We have a busy week - I'm not exactly sure what is going on on which day (Corey's done all the work planning out this trip, sorry I wasn't any help!) But we're going to Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown, and Busch Gardens on two days too. And Monticello, the Richmond Temple Openhouse, and then we go up to DC for a few days after that! I'm tired already just thinking about it. I shall try to roll up my sleeves.

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