Monday, March 6, 2023

Music Lessons.

Daniel made me chuckle today as he practiced trumpet. He waves his head back and forth to the beat, as he also waves his little hips. It's funny. I need to get a video of it. I did, but I need another one when Corey is home, cause I can't play the music he needs from my phone and take a video of him at the same time. He's a cute kid. 
I spy your big toe Daniel!

At violin yesterday, it was a distance learning day for the elementary kids, so since they were home they packed their own violins, and Natalie had Peter pack his too! Natalie had her lesson first, and then she gave Peter a little lesson when Sophi was doing hers. It was super cute. 
Peter packing up after he was done. 
I thought this was the broken 1/8 violin one, but it is actually Natalie's old 1/4 violin which is not broken. After Sophi came out, Peter said "I'm going in for my lesson!" and walked in. Amy was so nice that she did let him show her his violin and she gave him a mat like the girls used to have when they started, and she reminded us of a few things for beginners, like learning the Mississippi Hotdog rhythm by just brushing their bow hand along their arm. So it was so cute and Peter says he's ready to start. Natalie had him practice after we got back home. So cute. It's fun watching these kids grow and learn new things. I love being a mother so much. Katharine was being so cute this morning, as always. 
She's such a happy baby (the kids all say it's because she's spoiled! And I make sure that they know that that is mostly their fault!) Playing with her favorite ball toy. 
I was so excited that I found the pink ball to this in Lily's shoe closet yesterday as I cleaned up the mess of shoes on the floor after church. I had the kids come one by one to verify what shoes were keepers that they want and put other shoes that don't fit or whatever into storage. Bit by bit I'm going to go through every drawer and cupboard in this house and SIMPLIFY our life. 

A few other things from yesterday ~ after church, I asked Wes, Abi, and Lily to go finish shoveling the driveway (I had gotten up and shoveled most of it at 6 am as I listened to the Choosing Glory Podcast John 2-4.) I had moved enough snow for both of the cars to get out without driving on it, but I didn't finish the sides. It was so nice when the kids all grabbed their coats and went our right away. I went into Abi and Lily's room to look out and see how they were doing. Heart was full of thanks, and then I saw the snow within easy reach on the roof, and I couldn't resist opening the window. I made a few snowballs and threw them out, ha! I tried for Abi first, and she turned around to Wes who had been teasing her with snow. Then they saw it was me, and we played baseball with the shovels for a bit. Then I couldn't reach any more snow so we laughed and they went back to work. But THEN I went to the little deck off of my room with a bucket and made like 2 dozen, the snow was so perfect for snowballs! Like just two handfuls, it all stuck tight, and done, repeat 24x. I went out and hit them hard and fast. I think I only got Abi on the coat once though, they were too good at batting.

So that was fun. I was thinking I prob wouldn't let my little kids do that, maybe I'd let the older kids if they were being nice and in control. But I get to do what I want, cause I'm the mom! I shared my testimony at church. It was a good Sunday. Life is good.

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