I had a nice birthday yesterday. Best part was going on an early morning ride with Corey - it is still quite cold in the early morning hours, so we cover up with gloves, gaiters, and jackets. And it's also still snowy on the trail, so we rode up to the first bridge, where the snow stopped us, and turned around and rode up to the road, and rode the road up to the Lisa Falls parking lot! So that was pretty good - we made it up to the elevation even if it's not as fun as being on the trail. Stopping by the Temple quarry to stretch on our way back down.
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Birthday Yesterday
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Decisions & Ties
Bike ride with Corey this morning, we made it to the first bridge again, and THEN took the road all the way to the Lisa Falls parking lot. My BeReal - Corey coming up behind me.
Go us. For more exercising, tonight at Daniel's soccer practice I did like 20 passes on the monkey bars, it's all I have since we cancelled our Momentum membership. I miss it! I have been thinking about climbing every day. I don't want to lose my strenght, but I'm trying to relax and find other things to do. Monkey bars were pretty good - after that my hands looked like I just went climbing. We decided to cut the Momentum membership for $ reasons. Corey's been seeking revelation and as he read his scriptures this morning and pondered his career, he read in 1 Nephi about when Nephi had two problems: his broken bow, and his command to build a boat. Corey texted me "Am I building a ship or hunting for game?" He pondered on that and said "If I'm building a ship, then I stick it out and try to get this thing to float. If I'm hunting for game, then I spent my time finding a deer to shoot." I don't know the answer, but whatever conclusion he comes to, I said I give him my full support.
Wesley has been getting revelation too, cause he's been going to the temple with friends from school every week, and the temple is a revelatory place. They go on Thursdays. He is dressed for the temple when he leaves to go to "work" with Corey, where Wes does his BYU online. Wes always has very cool knots in his ties when he leaves. He said it's fun cause one of the temple worker that is there notices his ties and knows the names of the knots, and will make comments like "The Eldredge, huh?"
I never knew that there were more than one ways to tie a knot! Here is a pic of his Rose Bud knot -
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Where's Waldo?
We had a crazy winter, and that caused a crazy thing to happen out at Corner Canyon. Corey shared a news video with me today of some houses that were built over there that had the ground beneath them erode so much that the houses slid over the cliff! Ann's Trail and Clark's trail are both closed indefinitely.
Lily had a lesson today, and Corey took her down to a Little Big Band open house thing. I don't miss the SoundHouse, so we'll see what Corey's thinking if he wants Lily to do that. I vote for GMS up here in SL over driving down there. They hurried and made it in time to an youth activity that was so fun... The youth in our ward all went to the mall and tried to find adults from the ward who were there dressed up in disguises. They had asked last week for volunteers to sign up and come out, and I would have loved to, but since my daughters/sitters were gone to participate in the activity, I'd be a dead give away with Katharine in my arms or the other little kids following me. But Corey signed up to go, and he looked great.
Abi found him though - his shoes gave him away, and then Abi verified it by his phone, haha. Super fun activity. The kids all came home telling me how fun it was. Good job to our youth leaders!
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
End of the Rainbow
Nothing much to report for the past two days, other than we had a rainbow yesterday.
A friend, Stephani, watched Daniel, Peter and Katharine for me yesterday as a bday present (from 9:30 - 3) - so nice! I blogged the whole time and... finished January! Go me. I feel sick, sore throat. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night either. I did 9 posts yesterday. I feel sick and tired, but gotta keep pressing on with life for these kids. We had violin yesterday. Owen's soccer practice was cancelled cause of rain. Today I had carpool, Wes picked it up for me cause he was over there at Corey's parents working. I've been feeling a little sick. I was totally fine on Sunday, then I was eating chocolate, and then all of a sudden as I swallowed, my throat hurt and it's been sore since and I've had a cough. So maybe no more chocolate for me. I took quite a few naps today trying to recover. Thankfully Katharine cooperated and napped with me. The other kids were up and about and asking me if they could play and other questions, which I half-consciously answered ("You can play after you practice trumpet"). We're all still alive. The kids have been doing so good at their habit cards. Natalie and Lily were really on a roll cleaning today, it was great. I'm on top of laundry and 3 out of 4 bedrooms are clean (still waiting on Abi and Lily's room - I'll give them a pass for one more day since they had their music lessons at GMS today and have been gone) so now it's 9:30pm and we're almost heading to bed. We had a sit down dinner which Natalie helped me make. I'm giving the little boys a bath (they were busy playing soccer with neighbors today), and the kitchen is ALL clean, dishes are all done, and I even mopped, which has not been done in a long while. I'm not going to completely finish my 3 goals by my birthday, but I'm doing good and making progress still in each. I do trust that I will arrive someday, and won't just always be striving towards them. Someday I'll make it to that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Once I complete them, then what will I be working on? Maybe my brain is afraid of not knowing what is next and so part of me is resistant to checking those things off. With the kids helping me, it's a lot easier.
Sunday, April 23, 2023
No Hands!
It was a nice Sunday. We've been fasting for Corey's work, and he woke up this morning with an idea that might work! He was excited about it, texted it to our brother in law Matt (who has been helping a little bit) and so yay for answered prayers. Although I'm sure we're not out of the woods yet. We went over to Corey's parents house this evening. Katharine was showing everyone her standing up skills -

Saturday, April 22, 2023
Soccer Snapshots

Friday, April 21, 2023
Holy Habits
So on Sunday, I made some little checklist cards for the kids (Wes Abi Lily Sophi and Natalie) Here's Natalie's as of Tuesday.
Funny funny adorable baby who makes my heart so happy. I love you Katharine!
So when she stops me from being productive, I go and try to pick up toys or fold laundry. Katharine is a slight handicap to me though.
Oh but she's cute.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Wednesday Stuff
Here's a pic of Katharine at breakfast this morning. She likes to sit on the table and have Corey share his oatmeal with her.
Stupid darn lego! All the things we had used in our previous attempts.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Today was a super great day. I was busy and productive and got a lot done and it felt great. I listened to this talk "Look Unto Him in Every Thought" by Joy D. Jones as I worked, and it was sooo good. It went along with so much that I'm thinking about (with life coaching) and how so much of it comes from our thoughts. I want to focus my thoughts, actions, and my life on Christ! As I was vacuuming in the front room this afternoon, before going to pick up carpool, I looked outside cause the wind was blowing CRAZY hard and all the leaves that always seem to be blow into our yard and gather by our basement door, were all being blown OUT of our yard and across the street! I watched thinking "Yahoo! Keep blowing wind! Thanks for doing the yard clean up for me!" and I went back to cleaning the front room when I heard a big crash. I looked outside again to see what had happened, and two big branches from two of the five dead/dying trees next to our home had fallen over!
One fell into the road and the other fell onto our porch, but thankfully nothing was badly damaged. It doesn't look that bad in these pics, but it's a big trunk and made a big mess and it was kinda crazy! My neighbor across the street came out right after and we talked about what to do and made a few calls. I had to leave to pick up carpool and I got a few calls from concerned neighbors after they saw what had happened. So, crazy and pretty exciting I guess? I guess it can be exciting since nothing really bad happened. We all talked about how lucky we were that kids were all in school, cause there are usually a lot of kids playing in our yard, so we are very happy and feeling very grateful that no one was hurt, cause it could have really hurt or killed someone. This was bound to happen, so we are going hoping all the other dead trees are taken down before something like this happens again.Monday, April 17, 2023
Playing Catch
Happy Monday. I spent most of my Sunday yesterday working on catching up here on the blog, but I also made up some little "Holy Habit" checklist cards for the kids. It is my current "get the kids to help around the house" attempt, and I thought this was pretty good cause I combined it with the children and youth goals initiative. So we'll see how it goes and I'll give a report on that later this week. I also woke up during the night (at 2:14 am) with an idea of a book about civility and becoming ladies and gentlemen. I took some notes down and couldn't fall asleep for an hour. We'll see if that ever leads to anything, but for the record, the early hours of Apr 17 was when I woke up with that flood of inspiration.
As for today - we had violin, Abi had piano, Daniel had a field trip to the zoo, so he went to school this morning with his siblings. He was excited about that and we can't believe this school year is almost over. Owen had soccer practice tonight, so we all went and we played on the playground while he was at practice. BeReal -
I was helping Peter and Daniel do the monkey bars, and I can do them too! I did them like 5 times! I felt pretty cool and strong that I could do them, not bad for an old woman. I also brought some baseballs and gloves and taught the kids how to play catch (Sophi and Natalie, and then we taught Owen and Daniel too)They had never played catch before and thought it was pretty fun. We'll go do it again next Monday.