Saturday, April 29, 2023

Birthday Yesterday

I had a nice birthday yesterday. Best part was going on an early morning ride with Corey - it is still quite cold in the early morning hours, so we cover up with gloves, gaiters, and jackets. And it's also still snowy on the trail, so we rode up to the first bridge, where the snow stopped us, and turned around and rode up to the road, and rode the road up to the Lisa Falls parking lot! So that was pretty good - we made it up to the elevation even if it's not as fun as being on the trail. Stopping by the Temple quarry to stretch on our way back down.

Yesterday was Hawaii day at school - Sophi and Natalie showing their school spirit.  
We're gonna channel warm weather and see if that helps it feel more like spring outside. Corey and I went out to last night, as a date night/birthday date combo. But I am so bummed cause Blue Lemon is closed or out of business or something? We went to the Draper one, which was closed last week, and last week it looked like it was temporarily closed for a meeting or something, but it was still closed today! But today (thinking it was just a Sandy Blue Lemon thing) we drove all the way down town to go to the Blue Lemon at City Creek, and that one was closed too!! Noooo! It was sad. I guess we'll have to find a new favorite place to go. Sigh. We ended up eating at Vitality Bowls there at City Creek, and it was good, but I was looking forward to Blue Lemon's sweet potato fries. So sad. Corey and I walked around the Deseret Book and I laughed at this painting for sale called "Jesus and the Angry Babies" like what??? Kinda weird. I'd be interested in learning the inspiration behind that. I just thought it was funny. Whenever I see art, I think that I could do paint or draw and create something just as good as that if not better, and I hope I can someday. Having not practiced for a few years, I'm not presently at the level of Simon Dewey, Liz Lemon Swindle, or , but I could do definitely do Kate Lee or Brian Kershisnik level (no offense to them that I'm implying their art doesn't look that hard to do). I dream to someday make artwork like Jenedy Paige or Rose Datoc Dall. Dall's "The Veil is Beginning to Burst" is my favorite!!! My mom got me a calendar with Dall's artwork for Christmas, and that Veil one was the painting for January, and even though we're in April, that calendar ss still on January. Oh, or Thomas Blackshear - I love his style too. He did the artwork for the Killer's Imploding the Mirage. This one is my favorite of his work - I don't know what it's called, but I love it, it's the pic for the song Blowback. I also love James C. Christensen's stuff. I'd like to do one like The Responsible Woman for my kids, with them holding onto things that are part of their life. Ok, anyway... there's my art tangent. I bought a new art ornament for our wood thing this year, and I still am going to try and do some art this year. If we get to December and I still haven't, I should be able to whip out something like this no problem. And sell it for $450 bucks! I like Jorge Cocco's stuff and think I could do this too - I think a big part of art is finding a style that you like to do, and I his geometric stuff is fun. 
Hyrum was able to call last night and wish me a happy birthday too, so that was great. 
The kids had a fun primary activity today - they had four activities for each area of the children and youth initiative (5th pic) - Spiritual, Social, Physical & Intellectual. I'm going to try and focus on those four areas too. Daniel, Natalie, Peter (behind Owen) and Owen in the orange hat. 
This activity was at 10. Daniel was dressed for his soccer game, which was at 2pm. Owen  had a bye today. And this evening the girls had a violin spring group concert at Westminster College. We made it to the campus on time but then were lost for a bit trying to find which building it was in. We wandered around following other people that didn't know where they were going, ha, but we all finally found it. The performances were lovely. They are both starting to sway to the music, getting into it like all the pro violists do. Little video of them here (sorry Sophi that your head is usually behind Natalie's scroll) :) 

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