Monday, May 1, 2023

Evening Soccer

The little boys were ready for a game tonight after Corey got home. They were ready to go with their uniforms on, and cleats & shinguards. How will Corey fare in his everyday shoes? Or Sophi in her Chaccos?

The game was boys vs. girls, but it could have been shoes vs. sandals! 

Daniel is flexing - let's hear it for the Boys Team!

And the girls! 

It was a pretty intense game, and it's fun hearing them all play together. Owen and Daniel can hold their own pretty well! As can the girls. I don't know the score, but I'm guessing Corey's participation might have tipped the scale in the boys favor. 

Another action shot - Owen going for the goal! 

I told them to be careful of the morning dove nest in the tree right above them, and the birds seem to be doing just fine. A few items from yesterday and today - Corey and I subbed in Primary yesterday. I wasn't really that prepared, but we did have a good talk with Owen's little class and I whipped out this drawing - showing parallels between sheep and their life compared to us and our journey on earth. Not bad. 

Ethan and Wes left for a rafting trip after church. Corey showed the kids the movie "Clash of the Titans" and that was funny to share memories of our youth with them. We had violin today, Abi had piano, and then Owen had soccer practice, which is why he was ready to take on Corey. And the girls all rearranged their bedrooms yesterday. Now we have Abi in the small room again with Katharine kind of on the bottom bunk in there, and Mel when Mel visits, and Lily Sophi Natalie in the larger room. It was a mess moving everything around and I'm sure it will continue being a mess for a few more days until they are able to (hopefully) find a home for everything.

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