Monday, April 17, 2023

Playing Catch

Happy Monday. I spent most of my Sunday yesterday working on catching up here on the blog, but I also made up some little "Holy Habit" checklist cards for the kids. It is my current "get the kids to help around the house" attempt, and I thought this was pretty good cause I combined it with the children and youth goals initiative. So we'll see how it goes and I'll give a report on that later this week. I also woke up during the night (at 2:14 am) with an idea of a book about civility and becoming ladies and gentlemen. I took some notes down and couldn't fall asleep for an hour. We'll see if that ever leads to anything, but for the record, the early hours of Apr 17 was when I woke up with that flood of inspiration. 

As for today - we had violin, Abi had piano, Daniel had a field trip to the zoo, so he went to school this morning with his siblings. He was excited about that and we can't believe this school year is almost over. Owen had soccer practice tonight, so we all went and we played on the playground while he was at practice. BeReal -

I was helping Peter and Daniel do the monkey bars, and I can do them too! I did them like 5 times! I felt pretty cool and strong that I could do them, not bad for an old woman. I also brought some baseballs and gloves and taught the kids how to play catch (Sophi and Natalie, and then we taught Owen and Daniel too)
They had never played catch before and thought it was pretty fun. We'll go do it again next Monday. 

At violin, Katharine was playing with Peter's Mandalorian lego. She has been taking advantage at any opportunity to play with the lego minifigures and take their helmets or masks on and off. Today she was able to quietly practice until Peter noticed that she was touching his stuff. 
She is so cute when she does that. We love watching her learn new things. I'm impressed with her fine motor control - not bad for a 10 month old! Before we left for violin, Daniel had put stars all over her face. He said it was for "American Symbols on Parade"
He's just trying to teach his little sister to be a little patriotic. 

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