Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Here's a pic of Katharine at breakfast this morning. She likes to sit on the table and have Corey share his oatmeal with her.

Peter and Katharine were sitting in the pink chair watching Baby Einstein this afternoon. 
Peter sometimes kinda harasses Katharine, but he was being sweet today. 
"Hey Mom, you're blocking the screen! We can't see our show!"
After Owen got home from school today, he and his friends were busy at work in the front yard with all the scattered wood from the fallen trees. They made a barricade line, a tent/fort hut inside that line of defense, and Owen (in blue at the top) even found a sweet looking gun among the broken branches. 
It was really cute. I loved seeing their creativity. Owen stopped before I got a photo of it, but he was marching back and forth along the line in the road, patrolling it like a British Royal Guard, with his assault rifle up over his shoulder, and even doing an about face when he's reach the gutter on each side. Super cute. There was no wind today, so we just let them play outside. A guy who is the son of whoever owns the property came by yesterday and will be back to clean things up by Saturday, and he also agrees that the dead trees need to be removed. The street will look very different with them gone, and I'm sad that they died, but it will be good to have them taken down.

A few more things - Katharine was super cute today splashing in the tub. 
Looking adorable here - 
It was so fun just watching her splash. Love it. Wes, Abi, Lily, and Sophi had a Stake Youth activity at the church tonight - the Youth Olympics. Wes helped plan it and he was in charge of Gaga ball, so I'm sure that was fun. I was home with the little kids. After giving the little kids a bath, Katharine was playing in the dangerous boys' bedroom. Dangerous because of all the legos. I do my best to keep them put away, but they always quickly end up all over the floor and Katharine wants them. 
Putting on her best sad face if we ever take them away.
While the kids were gone, I was trying to clean up, and the pile of dishes was getting high... I hadn't made a lot of progress because I was limited to half of the sink, since the disposal wasn't working. It hadn't been working since Sunday. I had tried a bit to fix it on Sunday and Monday, then I figured we'd just not use that side. Today I decided to give another attempt at fixing it. I could feel a small something stuck on the side. It felt like a smooth piece of a broken dish. I tried to be careful so that it would not accidentally cut me. Then I got a flash light to see if I could see it, and I could! And it was green! Hmm, this isn't glass, it's either a lego or a bottle lid. I tried flicking it out with an Allen wrench, and a hook with a screw, then I tried grabbing it with finger nail clippers... no luck. When Wes got back from the youth activity he helped me a little. I kept praying for help and then we'd trying again. I held the flashlight as he tried to get it out with a long knife. It did move up a little, but it was still stuck. I made a 9pm trip to Home Depot to try and find some long needle nose plyers that might be able to help us - to reach into the disposal and still let us see what we were attempting to grab and get a good hold of it. At HomeDepot I found some very long plyers that I thought just might be the help we needed. Upon coming home, I said a prayer, and withing a few attempts, I was able to keep hold of it and got it out! YAY

Stupid darn lego! All the things we had used in our previous attempts.

Victory at last. I felt like a champ! AND I didn't have to spend $100 for a plumber to come service it or $200 to have the disposal replaced. YES, thank you for your mercy, Lord! 

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