Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Today was a super great day. I was busy and productive and got a lot done and it felt great. I listened to this talk "Look Unto Him in Every Thought" by Joy D. Jones as I worked, and it was sooo good. It went along with so much that I'm thinking about (with life coaching) and how so much of it comes from our thoughts. I want to focus my thoughts, actions, and my life on Christ! As I was vacuuming in the front room this afternoon, before going to pick up carpool, I looked outside cause the wind was blowing CRAZY hard and all the leaves that always seem to be blow into our yard and gather by our basement door, were all being blown OUT of our yard and across the street! I watched thinking "Yahoo! Keep blowing wind! Thanks for doing the yard clean up for me!" and I went back to cleaning the front room when I heard a big crash. I looked outside again to see what had happened, and two big branches from two of the five dead/dying trees next to our home had fallen over! 

One fell into the road and the other fell onto our porch, but thankfully nothing was badly damaged. 

It doesn't look that bad in these pics, but it's a big trunk and made a big mess and it was kinda crazy! My neighbor across the street came out right after and we talked about what to do and made a few calls. I had to leave to pick up carpool and I got a few calls from concerned neighbors after they saw what had happened. So, crazy and pretty exciting I guess? I guess it can be exciting since nothing really bad happened. We all talked about how lucky we were that kids were all in school, cause there are usually a lot of kids playing in our yard, so we are very happy and feeling very grateful that no one was hurt, cause it could have really hurt or killed someone. This was bound to happen, so we are going hoping all the other dead trees are taken down before something like this happens again. 

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