Thursday, June 1, 2023

Flee Into The Mountains

I am struggling. I guess I've gotten used to having helpers. (Wes, not trying to say that you have not been helpful). I was really hoping to go on a ride tonight, and got K to sleep thinking I could slip out, but I forgot about Daniel's soccer practice. So we went to that instead. I brought along a book to read. I thought, in vain, that I might have a minute to read. I left K home with Wes, she woke up shortly after I left. I ended up just pushing Peter on the swing at the park. I'm trying to not be exhausted, but I just haven't gotten a break. I texted a friend to see if she could maybe watch P and K for a few. I ended up taking them up in the mountains with me. I had to get out of the house. A verse from the Bible study this past week came to mind - Matt 24:16: Then let them which be in Judæa flee into the mountains. I fled into the mountains, and it worked, even with the kids in tow.

My arms were tired from carrying K up there. Next time I'll bring the carrier. 
It may look like Peter is being affectionate, but he was actually putting dirt on her head. 
He was just helping her out with what he knows is her true desire: getting into dirt. 
It wasn't totally relaxing, cause I had to watch Peter and make sure he didn't get too close to the water. 
But it was nice hearing the waters rush by. I did take a breather for a few minutes, so it was good. K eating rocks...
And sticks... 
She's just checking out different textures. Video of her sampling a bit of sand here
Good to be in nature. 
We went on a little walk up a trail that I discovered yesterday, that seemed like a biking trail? I wasn't sure. We followed it all the way through so now I know where it comes out to the main path. Corey and I might be able to do it?

This morning I went climbing for an hour-ish. When I got home the kids had just woken up. I was glad that Wes got rest, hoping that it would help him have a productive day. We let Katharine have her birthday cake this morning.

I burnt my finger on the candle when I was one year old. Katharine did not. Good girl. She held her fork and watched, then her brothers blew it out. 

Then they helped her eat the cake. Daniel was still in bed so he missed out. 
But that's ok, cause he snuck into the ice cream yesterday and took 4 cones, so we'll call it even. We sang to her and got a few pics of her making a mess. She's cute.
I took all the little kids with me today to Katharine's one year well visit. 
She checked out ok. 
The clinic was a bit busy, so K wandered around waiting for them to come examine her. 
Then they decided to give her her shots now instead of after. She was happy...

And then she was sad. But her brothers helped cheer her up and they all got suckers at the end. 

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