Saturday, June 3, 2023

Weekend with Kids

Yesterday we went to visit Corey's mom. The kids drew some pictures for her. Peter wrote out his own name!!! So smart!

And then colored a picture of her. Peter appears to be left handed.
He messed up on his nose and eyebrows so then he had to start over. I didn't help with the circles for the faces on this one, he did it all by himself!
And here's the drawing that Daniel did - so cute. 

I was glad that I got a picture of it, cause he kept working on it and drew another picture on the back, in marker, and the marker bled through and kinda messed up this side. But Daniel is still an amazing little artist. Also yesterday, I got a few videos of Katharine toddling around the house. She was being so cute playing with these two Ikea cups.

I love love love her little toddle, she's walking like a pro! Her little steps are so dainty and adorable!

Katharine likes playing on the trampoline too. I'm glad the kids like being outside. The boys have been playing soccer every day. Yesterday they were playing Wes vs. ODP. Having Peter as goalie was a good strategy for the little boys. Wes didn't kick it hard when he took shots, and he usually just passed it to Peter, and P would feel like a hero for catching it. 
Each time Owen and Daniel play, they usually get on the whole outfit - soccer jersey, shin guards, cleats. BeReal - boys playing, Katharine behind me on the trampoline. Daniel opted for soccer in his pjs this evening. 
Ok, so yesterday I was able to go on a morning bike ride. 1-2 hours for morning exercise been the only "me" time I've gotten this week. Today I missed it, cause K woke up at 5. I was going to go to the temple but cancelled it after she was awake. I only had until 8:30 to do anything, cause Wes was leaving to help his uncle clean, and the boys had soccer. I bought treats last night to bring for Daniel's game. Owen's game was at 9, Daniel's at 10. Peter and Katharine came along. I was struggling a bit cause K wouldn't hold still, so I nursed her to get her to just stay put, and Peter was right on top of me and her playing with her feet... I need a bit of space. But I haven't gotten that much this week. Trying to breathe... It was a bit hot too. 
The boys have loved soccer, but I did tell Corey, before we signed them up, that I didn't want to do it. My Saturdays don't need another thing. He said he'd own it. And he has when he's been here, but I was struggling today. It's no fun being a mom taking 4 little kids to soccer games. I let them play at the park for a few after the games were over. I was spent after we got home from that at 12. We bought cookie crumble ice cream on the way home (I told a neighbor I could go pick her up a 8oz of sour cream, and we got a gallon of ice cream too) and I ate most of that, it was gone before 4. I'm still just trying to breathe, I nursed K, the boys made top ramen for themselves with some neighbor brothers that are on their teams. When I came downstairs, there were ramen wrappers and ramen crumbs all over the kitchen. I ushered the boys outside and said I'd finish microwaving the ramen. Time for lockout. 
I think lockout might be a good summer survival strategy. I locked the back door, so I could see them, but couldn't hear them as loudly. I cleaned up the kitchen, kept the food mess outside (K eating Peter's top ramen after he abandoned it...)
And yeah, lockout was something we did often in Brazil in 2007. It saved my sanity a bit today. That and the chocolate ice cream. I think we're going to employ lockout more this summer. "Everyone out in the yard! Stay out in the yard!" - Brian Regan. I don't mind quite as much when they are messy, if it is outside. 
And they can all jump around and make noise all they want.
I had some moments when I was present with Katharine. Watching her read Natalie's journal, ha. 
I wonder if she's learning any good gossip.
It's weird - when she's giving me space and doing her own thing, that's when I'm in awe of her cuteness and just want to watch her. As soon as I decide I'll go be productive, that's when she comes and finds me. So then I give up trying to get anything done and just spend time with her. 
Trying to tickle her neck for a selfie - She looked so cute in this one - 
Wes just got home. I think I have time for a quick ride before the sun sets. I can't find my ipods, but I'm going anyway, the silence will be good for me.

1 comment:

  1. Mom, that wasn't my journal, that was Lily's journal. I don't really have a journal
