Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Guatemala Recap

Corey and the girls are almost back from Guatemala. Here's a recap of their adventure, not that I've been there or know much of what they've done. I was actually going to title this post "Long and Painful" cause I think they are going to be a bit travel weary for a few days. But I hope they've had fun, even though they've been on their way back since Sunday night. That sounds long and painful to me. But we'll try to focus on the positive for a few minutes - They spent most of their time this past week in Puerto Barrios. Natalie relaxing at the beach - 

It seems to me like they should have had a fun time at the resort - without any little kids in tow, how hard could it be?

Corey texted last Wednesday "I think the girls are having the experience I was hoping for. In order to respect the local culture, I made a deal that with food 1) we could have meals, no snacking. 2) I wont do anything to help cool. I like helping you at home, but it seems wrong for me to lift a finger here in Latin American with 5 daughters. So they are making breakfast and I'm working"


They had fun at the resort - going down the water slide - 

They took a little river tour - 

The bugs at Mel alive - she had over 100 bug bites on her legs.

And of course did some tourist shopping. 
Getting their hair done at a little shop -

They left had a pretty relaxing few days at Puerto Barrios, then left there on Friday night for an 8 hour bus ride back to Guatemala City. They didn't need to check out of the hotel in Puerto Barrios until Saturday, but they left early cause Corey wanted to make it back to the city on Saturday so they could go to the Guatemala Temple. And he didn't want to spend 8 waking hours on the bus - seemed less painful to try and do it at night, which mostly worked, except for when the police stormed the bus at 1 am and woke them up to show their passports. 

They made it to the temple, yay. 

Going out to eat in Guatemala City. This was the first pic I'd seen of Corey since they'd been gone.
Mel was a good responsible adult, taking care of the kids so Corey could get some work done. 
Walking around Antigua
I think this will be a trip that the girls will remember for a long time. Sounds super fun to have an all girls trip. That would be a fun thing to have done with my sisters. 
I'll have to go with them next time, make it a mom and daughters trip. But maybe we'll just go somewhere in driving distance. They flew out of Guatemala Sunday night and arrived in Miami, where they spent most of the day yesterday until they flew out last night - and then they arrived in Las Vegas at 1:30 am this morning. They arrived at the Las Vegas Worldmark Hotel at 2:30 am, slept until 10, then checked out of their room, hung out at the pool, and tried to kill time until their scheduled 5pm flight, which has been delayed until 7:30pm. So it's 8:15 Utah time and they are FINALLY boarding the plane and will be arriving at 9:30. I'll be picking them up, hopefully we'll all be home at 10:30. And Abi and Lily have to hurry and pack for Trek - they need to be at the church for that at 6 AM tomorrow morning, fun fun for them to not have a chance to recoop from this long trip. Corey commented this morning "Doesn't always feel worth it to do it 'cheap' - esp with all the extra fees..." I also think it's not worth it with all the extra delays and layovers. Ugh. I have a trip to Indiana coming up soon and am not looking forward to the flight out. Ok, I'm going to leave to go pick them up now, yay.

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