Monday, June 5, 2023

Sunday and BeReals

Hello. Well I'm almost done coping. This will be my last post complaining about how much the past week has been sucky and long and painful. I have not been in a good place mentally, but I haven't really had much of a chance for any quiet time. 

As you might be aware, Corey and the girls were gone all this last week, and my being a solo parent started off with a bang for me with a 12 hour car drive from dropping them off in Las Vegas. Sleep deprivation = not a good way to start my week alone. Soon this will all be a happy memory. Church yesterday was good here. And our traveling family members were able to go to church in Guatemala City and meet a lot of people and families that Joseph knew on his mission

Natalie's dress there is so cute - she looks like Mirabel from Encanto!
They flew out of Guatemala last night, and arrived in Miami. They have been chilling there at the airport all day. Mel's BeReal today - 
They are now in the air. They'll arrive in Las Vegas at like 1 AM Vegas time. They are going to go to the Worldmark there and get some rest, then check out at 10 and chill for the whole day again while they wait for a 7pm flight. We're just chilling here. Ethan came back from North Carolina on Saturday. He flew in to Las Vegas too, then took a shuttle to St. George where he had left his car. He's been hanging out with us. The boys have had fun with their older sibling - Ethan's BeReal today - 

No offense to Ethan (like I also said with Wes) but E wasn't a ton of help to me in my single parenthood. 
You need daughters for that. They shall be back soon. But I get it - he was coming back from a long month of selling pest control and needed a rest. Joseph has been gone in Arizona - today was his first day as an FSY counselor. His BeReal - 
I guess BeReal has been good since it gives me a little snapshot into what's going on with them. Here's my BeReal - biking has helped me get through this past week. 
Maybe it's been biking - maybe it's been nature and the mountains. Getting outside has been good. I've been trying to sneak over to Momentum too, I got a 2 week pass there. I like it, and have been thinking about getting a 3 month summer pass, but am not sure if I'll get it - I was trying out with a 2 week pass to see how doable it was for me to get over there (since I don't have "taking Lily to jazz band" as an excuse/reason to get out the door). But I have been doing lots of biking. I went climbing this morning and then this evening I took a ride - and one funny thing was when I was coming down - I got to the board that is right before the 3rd bridge, and a guy coming up just biked right over it. So I got brave and thought "I'm going to bike it!" and it was slippery and I also panicked and was looking down and... promptly fell in. It was just a small stream, but I got soaked none the less. So now I'm drying out my phone, which as in my pants pocket. It was refreshing though! Glad Corey and the girls will be back tomorrow and that Corey can go on a ride with me again. 

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