Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Safely Home and Trek

Corey and the girls had a delayed flight last night, but they did arrive home, albeit 2 hours later than planned. And that was almost 2 days later than planned (I knew they were leaving Guate on Sunday so I thought they'd be back on Monday afternoon or something. Them chilling in Vegas - 

Here is me being irritated at all of it, and at K for not hardly letting me have a waking moment to myself for the past week. 

My bad for not actually knowing their schedule or anything). But they finally landed at 9:52, I left home at 9 to get them, chilled at the park and wait until 10:10 (Corey's phone was low on battery, but my guess was correct and Mel thankfully texted me that they were ready when I was on my way - They immediately loved on their little sister. Katharine and I both missed them!

Last night after they got home at 10:45, Abi and Lily had to pack for Trek - a Stake activity. They were meeting at the church at 6am. So they started laundry and tried to get ready. I set an alarm for 5 am to help them get out the door. We were only a few minutes late. Not bad for being on 4 hours of sleep - 
And they're off again! Have fun! For Trek they were going to the Deseret Land and Livestock Ranch in Woodruff, Utah. 
With some of the others kids in our ward - 
More of our ward - our ward was put into two groups. They were representing Italy and Scotland. Their "Ma's and Pa's" posing with them (on either end). Abi was in Italy, Wes and Lily were both in the Scotland family. 
So they were off and will be gone on Trek until Saturday afternoon. I hope Abi and Lily are able to get a nap on the bus, or at least get to bed at a decent hour tonight. Back at home, Sophi and Natalie insisted on re-do-ing Katharine's birthday so that they could participate. Happy Birthday Katharine!!
Corey and I didn't make it on a ride this morning. He was tired, and that's ok. After dropping the kids off at the trek send-off, I was talking to another mom and she was going for a hike, so I joined her doing that this morning. The Bells Canyon waterfall is so gorgeous! I was inspired to get out into the mountains again today, but Bells seemed like too much for me to do with the kiddos, so we just drove up to the Lisa Falls parking lot and walked around the river area there. K in the back pack. Look at me, I'm smiling again -
Katharine was still being a bit bossy, but it's easier to take when she's contained in a back pack.
Kids playing King Arthur and pulling the sword out of the stone. (Peter brought along that wood sword)
We had a hard time finding a place to cross the stream without getting our feet wet. But soon we were over the stream and there were lots of river rocks and they had fun exploring and pretending.  
I let K come out of the backpack and sit in the dirt. When it was time to go, I loaded her up again, and she started to nod off to sleep - super cute. 
And one final pic for today of my lovely roses. 
I don't know why I should call them mine, cause I have done nothing to create nor do I do much to care for them (I fight off aphids now and then if necessary), but I do love enjoying them! They are so pretty! I think I've discovered something I can do as I age - I am going to paint and draw these roses! I have taken enough photographs of them that I think I could be busy doing that for quite a bit! I could make them as gifts for my children and grandchildren. Good job me for thinking ahead, haha.

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