Thursday, June 29, 2023

Camilla & Steve Sealing

Well, I made it to Indiana! At the Indianapolis temple! 

Photo bomb by my nephew Taden there, ha. The marriage sealing was the big event of this trip, and that was today at 6 PM. Congratulations Camilla!
My cute sister and her new husband and their kids after the sealing. 

They make a lovely blended family. Picture with the Hibbert parents and siblings. 
Aaannnd (something fun!)... Camilla became a new bride AND a grandma on the same day! (Steve's oldest has a cute little 5 month old baby girl.) So, yeah, good day. 

A few details of my trip here - I made it to Vegas last night at 9 pm. Uber was still saying it was $68 to get a ride to my hotel, so I took a risk and went to take a taxi. That ended up being just $28, so good job me. I had a nice driver from Ethiopia, I gave him a $10 tip. I was able to check in no prob, went to the room, pumped, went to bed, woke up at midnight feeling totally refreshed and it felt like it was 3 - when I saw it was just barely midnight I thought "Sweet! I have 3 more hours!" I went back to bed, woke up again on my own at 1. Back to bed again... then my alarm went off at 3:30 and I was out of it when that went off, but got up, pumped, gathered my stuff, met my Uber at 4 (it was scheduled for 4:10, I appreciated that he was early. Nice guy, good 15 min visit in the car. He has a youtube channel on fixing and flipping cars) Um, so I got to the airport no prob, not a long line getting through security, and with that done, the part of the trip that I was most anxious about was over. The 5:30 flight was slightly delayed, so my arrival was an hour later than planned. Patrice was going to get me, cause her father in law was getting home at the airport too, but since I was late, she left and my brothers picked me up! Highlight #2 - seeing Grant hanging out the window with both of his arms outstretched welcoming me to Indiana. Arriving at the Airbnb - 
Neil and Grant ready for the temple - Neil - 
Grant playing the guitar - 
They taught me the song they had been working on for us, that we are going to sing for Camilla tomorrow night at the reception. Then sealing at 6, then to the park for dinner, Grant, Matt and Neil took lots of pics and now we're back at the Airbnb. Biggest highlight of the day was the sealing, then seeing my brothers at the airport, and I also loved driving with my parents and siblings in the car - Neil driving, I was in the middle in the back, feet on the hump. My dad on my left, Patrice on my right, Mom in shotgun. Trice got an 80s playlist going and was blasting "Poor Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard and "Sweet Child of Mine" by Guns N' Roses. Good memories! Neil was jamming as he drove, making us laugh. He's a nice bishop now, but there's still a 6th grader listening to KBER inside of him. 

We also thought we were so funny when, as Patrice was taking a photo of the temple, Neil snuck out to take a pic of her taking a pic, and then I took a pic of Neil taking a picture of Patrice taking a picture.

Next time we'll get my dad to take a picture of me taking a picture of Neil taking a picture of Patrice taking a picture. See how funny we are? At the dinner after the sealing - we had a nice time visiting with Camilla's friends, esp Allison G and Michelle D.

I think the family is doing well at home. Mel had an FSY training thing, so she was actually gone today, Corey sent me this pic of K

He took her and the kids to Classic Fun Center. Katharine and Corey got 3rd place in a video car race.
Wes Abi and Lily are at FSY in Ephraim. Wes sang "Peaches" for a talent night thing today, one of the leaders sent me a low quality video recording of it, seems likes Wes enjoyed it and had fun. Going to go to bed now, I'm looking forward to knowing that I won't be woken up by a nursing baby. 

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