Friday, June 30, 2023

Jones' Reception

Camilla and Steve had a dance party reception with friends and family tonight. We all helped put it together and I think it went well. 

Big shout out to Camilla's oldest Xela and her husband Trevor who did a ton of work. Actually a lot of us did a lot of work, and it was worth it. We were glad to be here to celebrate with them! The hardest thing for me was missing Katharine, and I'm heading home tomorrow, so I've almost survived that hard part. Mel sent me these pics today of Katharine yesterday, when Katharine first woke up and I wasn't there....

She looks a little confused! 
I'm imagining her thinking and saying to herself "Where is that one lady... Seems like there was a lady who used to be here... Um, am I just imagining that that happened? Where am I? Who am I? What is my life about?"
It was not a dream Katharine. You do have a mother and it's me! I promise I'm coming back! I hope she still nurses when I get there. I'm not ready to give it up yet, I hope she doesn't reject me. It's good to know that she is in good hands. 
Good hands and loving arms! Thank you Mel and Natalie! (and of course you too Corey!)
Mel took that pic too. So I miss the kids and Katharine's little face. But I'll try to not think of that (except when I'm pumping and hoping milk will flow) This morning here in Indy, we visited for a bit.
Then we headed to the chapel that is next to the temple so we could help Camilla's kids set up decorations for the reception. Trying to untangle ivy...
BeReal - my siblings are all wearing red! Where's my red. I need a red shirt.
We worked for several hours, did a good job, then headed back to the Airbnb (30 min drive) so we could change and leave at 5:30 to get ready for our big performance!
In what has become somewhat of a Hibbert wedding tradition, we did a little parody number. This time there were two songs - Daydream Believer and Country Roads with lyrics changed up a bit. 
I don't have all the lyrics right now, but I remember the choruses. For Daydream Believer the chorus was as follows:

She's our Camilla Jane
And we'll always claim, she's a
Hibbert forever tho' now
Jones is her name...

And for Country roads the final chorus was:

Camilla Jones and Steve Jones
In the place, they belooooong!
Indiana, Cardinal Mama
Welcome Home, to the Jones!

I think Neil and Grant did most of the lyrics, with other contributions by my mom, Stephanie, Aurora, and the rest of us gave our 2cents too. The reception was fun. Clean up went faster than the set up, yay, and Camilla and Steve left just in time before a total downpour, and the rain mostly stopped when the rest of us were leaving. Now we've been staying up and talking a bit. It's too late for me though (especially for Utah time!) 

Looking forward to heading home in the morning. I'll go to the airport with Neil and my parents. Their flights leave later than mine but we're close enough - they'll prob drop me off and then go return the rental car and we'll just chill. We all have layovers anyway, so we've got books to read and things to kill the time with. We haven't had much downtime here to visit, but I need to head to bed so I'm going to be a party pooper and excuse myself in a minute. Good news is that all the Hibberts are getting together in July up at Bear Lake for 3 days of fun, so that will be great and we won't be so busy - it will just be hanging out at a vacation rental, and we'll all have our spouses and kids, so it will be a lot of fun. 

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