Monday, July 10, 2023

Big Mountain & Natalie is 10!

Happy Birthday to Natalie! Corey and I woke up early and didn't wake her up to babysit, but did wake her up to say Happy Birthday. So that was one of our gifts to her (ha). We actually left a bit later than usual, so the kids were starting to get up, but we still left. One of the reasons Corey booked this week was so that we could go biking. So today went out on a ride up the Big Mountain Trail - 

Corey did a little bit of research (asking fellow biking neighbors at church yesterday) and I followed his lead up the mountain. This was one part that Rob talked about! Eek!

We both walked up that boardwalk on the way up - it was 10 feet off the ground, which said ground was boulders that was by a cliff on the way up, but we did ride it on the way down (slowly!) Made it to the top by the Mid-Gad chairlift, cool!
I was like "Ok, I recognize this place!" Of course things look different in the winter. Top of the MidGad chairlift behind me in my selfie.
We almost turned around a few times. One of those times when we were thinking "ok, this is good enough" when we were at a part where we weren't sure where to go, and then another biker came behind us and kept going, so then we were like "Let's follow him!" and we went a bit more. We came across snow on the trial more than a few times and had to walk our bikes. At the top of Gadzoom - I yelled at Corey to stop a few times, cause it was just so cool to see him biking along a trail going towards these mountain peaks. I took a pic of him, then told him to get one of me that I thought could be a profile pic! 
But after I saw it, I was like "wait... I don't want one of just me!" Luckily there were two hikers (the 2nd and 3rd people we saw on the trial) on our way down and they took this one of the both of us. So now THIS is my new fb profile picture. :)

We had a good almost 3 hour ride, didn't make it to the top, too much snow. Back at the room - kids were all watching Bluey - 

Wes changed K's poopy diaper, and she was being very affectionate towards him. She was vulnerable, and he helped her out. That is love and trust.
I had forgotten Natalie's birthday present, so we went back home so I could get that. 
I gave her a little castle thing that I got on Temu. She liked it - 
Then we went by Walmart so she could pick out one more toy, and we got ice cream (and coloring books) and then headed back up. Boys were playing cards, yay! Lily has a few games and tricks that I think she learned at FSY that she has been teaching her brothers. 
Back to the pool for fun. 
Six heads. 
Wes and Abi both went down with Corey so that they could do homework. Corey went down to work and to visit his mom. And we're just up here killing time and enjoying the sound of the Creek outside our balcony window. 
Abi came back up with Corey. Wes stayed home to enjoy peace and quiet (lucky). Girls checking Instagram on my phone - 
Then I went and took it back and now we're going to read and head to bed and hopefully Corey and I will go on another ride tomorrow. Sophi and Natalie have violin lessons tomorrow, so we'll go back down for that, and my mom is coming over after we get home from that, so Natalie is lucky that her birthday gets to last a little longer!

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