Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Pool Time

We'll start this post with my favorite pics from today - Katharine in the pool!!


Love your pretty little face Katharine. 

I took more pics, but we'll leave it at 4...

No, 5. :) 

So what happened today.... Corey and I woke up and quietly snuck away from the children sleeping  in our room. Peter ~

And Katharine ~
While I'm speaking of beautiful and innocent children, allow a quick tangent: We've been watching lots of the things in the news about The Sound of Freedom movie. Tim Ballard has been a hero of ours for years. We love him, love his books, and his passion for truth and righteousness. I love what he represents and stands for. Go see Sound of Freedom if you haven't. We can all help stop this horrible crime by talking about it and bringing awareness, it's real and we can help create the momentum to end it. We're going to take the kids to see it sometime this next week (those that want to see it). Natalie said she doesn't want to, but WALS all do, so it will probably be just them. Ok, back to our ride - Corey and I headed out around 7 am. We biked on the bypass road from Snowbird up to Alta and explored Albion basin a little bit. 
We did over 9 miles and were got for about 2 hours. And fun fact - Corey and I learned that there is a campground up there! It still has too much snow and is closed but yay, why am I only now learning these things? I followed Corey, once again, against my better judgement, across a very icy patch of winter that was still on the trial. It was a bit scary! 

Corey's a big risk taker. Glad we didn't die. We made it back to find kids watching Bluey. Today Natalie has been working up here on her little castle that I got her yesterday for her birthday. 

Sweet girl. I took Abi down and she and Wes are staying home and doing homework and stuff and enjoying a nice quiet house. (I'd like to have a week like that someday...) We went by my mom's house after violin and my mom had a cake and gifts for Natalie. Joseph met us there, and then I headed home with Katharine (to grab a few things) and Joseph took SNP to 7-11, because today is 7/11 and they got free slurpees. Then, Joseph came with us back up to the Bird for swimming. I took pics of adorable Katharine, Corey and Joseph visited in the pool, I played lifeguard, the kids had fun. 
We are a happy family. 
Mel has been up in Boise this week for FSY. Ethan has been in Provo for work (he works at the MTC) and we talked to Hyrum today too. He comes home next month! We got his flight information - he arrives at 1 in the afternoon on August 25. We are super excited to see him again soon! "Next month" actually feels close, so yeah, we're excited! 

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