Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hanging Out at Cliff Lodge

Good News is that I took a nice long ride today. Joseph came up yesterday and stayed the night. Corey wanted to get into work, so Joseph used Corey's bike and he and I went for a ride up the Big Mountain trail. Snuck away from Katharine successfully. 

After 30 minute, Joseph decided that was enough for him, so we took my 3rd BeReal for yesterday (since I posted on time!)... 
and he headed back. I was glad about that, cause I felt like I had more time to ride outside with a full grown adult there at the room watching the kids (Joseph said he was staying until 3). I said I'd prob go another hour... I called Corey before he headed into work. I told him to go out on the balcony to see if he could see me. He couldn't see me waving, I was just a speck of black up on the hill, too small to see. Corey was just a speck too, but I was able to see him cause I could tell where the 4th floor of the Cliff Lodge was, and there was a white speck there. 
I kept going up Big Mountain. BeReal went off when I was at the top of the Gadzoom chairlift - 
It was nice to see that Katharine was in good hands!
Melodie is in Boise as a FSY counsellor again.
I would have/could have gotten to the top (I think the top of Big Mountain is at Peruvian or where the tram lets off, not sure?) but there was too much snow. I went up to 10300 feet/3140 meters, before the snow finally stopped me. Joseph and I left at 9, and I got back at 12:30, doh! 3.5 hour ride?!?! Sorry Joseph! That might be too much for me to get away with often, but I'm grateful when an opportunity presents itself. It was fun. And my Strava said it was only 2 hours 40 min, blah... Do I date trust the mileage it gives me? Strava said 12.25 miles, 2494 elevation gain. Hmm, I'd definitely have gotten more miles from Corey's Strava had he come with me. When we go on rides, he always gets more mileage. So we'll say it was 13 miles!
It was beautiful being on top of the world! 
Back at the room - what activities are we doing? The kids don't want to go hike, I am reluctant to take them swimming until the evening, so the kids have been watching tv and coloring. Peter drew this adorable picture.
It got some kiwi juice on it. Lily and Sophi, my two "big helpers" have been almost totally useless cause they have been reading so much. 
I come and tell them to help me or let's go do such-and-such, and then next time I find them hiding out on the balcony with their books!
I took the books away for a bit, and then they made Bluey coloring pages for their little brothers - 
And they played 5000 with dice. I was going to play too, but Katharine wanted me to hold her, so I did, and then she kept grabbing at and trying to eat the dice. So I had to excuse myself and her. She took a nap, and I blogged a bit which was nice for me! Katharine got my phone - she knows how to take pictures and videos! 
After seeing that picture, Ethan pointed out that she has 6 toes. I'm not sure how Katharine did that photoshop! She's more talented than I thought! I did finally take them swimming this evening, after the shadow of the mountain safetly covered the pool. Natalie as a hunchback - I have a picture of my sister Patrice being a hunch back as a kid, ha. Maybe I'll make a Memory game. 
Corey got in a good day of work yesterday up here. Didn't have a great work day today (he took Abi to her flute lesson, went to see his mom, helped Wes during a meeting with his BYU counselor, helped Joseph with stuff), but hopefully he'll get a good day in tomorrow. I'll be taking the kids down to the valley with me cause Owen had a trumpet lesson. Time for bed, another summer day done - check!

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