Monday, July 31, 2023

Memories of JeNeal

The Wride reunion week at Park City is here once again. We came up yesterday evening and are now at the end of our first day of fun. I think it's totally beautiful and appropriate that JeNeal passed right before Park City. This way we will always remember her when we gather together here. Tonight was the first such memorial. After dinner and during dessert, we all gathered in Wayne's room and shared our favorite memories.

I shared a video of her playing 5000 with the older kids up here in 2020. The video doesn't do it justice, but it was so fun hearing them banter and tease as they played and risked another roll and lost their points and stuff like that. I enjoyed watching them. 
Everyone listening to each other share moments and stories as we watched Katharine.
One memory that Sophi shared is one that I remember too, cause I blogged it. So when Sophi started to talk about when JeNeal came to Sophi's soccer game and had a cute soccer mug for her, I was able to find the post and the picture
I think the main thing I am struggling getting used to is calling their home "Wayne" or "Grandpas" house rather than Grandma's. Also, each year before Park City, Wayne sends out a very similar email with the meal and activity plan for Park City. This year it was different to just see "W" instead of "W&J"
I don't think I've ever documented here what the food week is like - it's always the same assignments: 

We can check in at 4 p.m. and everyone is always hungry so we’ll eat as soon as we can pull it together.
W - Please furnish potatoes and meat
N & J - Please furnish 2 sour cream, 4 cans black beans, Ranch dressing
T & C - Please furnish 4 cans of corn, salsa and avocados, olives
C & M - Please furnish chopped tomatoes, shredded cheese, sunflower seeds, plastic table cloths, water
Everyone bring own Meat
W - Please furnish Ketchup, Mustard, Onions, Tomatoes, and Pickles
C & M - Please furnish Chips and Cheese
T & C - Please furnish Buns & Drinks
N & J - Please furnish Salad
W - Please furnish pancakes, butter, syrup, jam
N & J - Please furnish eggs (scrambled or whatever)
C & T - Please furnish a beverage
M & C - Please furnish either ham, bacon or sausage
Remember jackets, swim suits, and sun screen,
Enjoy your week. Let us each take at least 5 snap shots each day so that we will have memories to share.
Mark your calendars for Park City dates for next year: Reservations are confirmed for Sunday July 28, 2024 -
Sunday August 4, 2024

We have a tendency to have been late arriving on Sunday evenings, but we did better yesterday and were here just after 4:00. Today has been great. Corey and I started off the week with an early 6:30 a.m ride. We've never done that before!! Well, we do it all the time at home, but we've never gone early together in Park City! This is a tradition I could get used to! We did Armstrong up to MidMountain, took that east to Jenni's, then Loose Moose down and CMG to Base area. We were gone for 2 hours 10 minutes and did just over 13 miles. Here we are at the top of HAM when we were trying to decide if we were going to keep going or not (we did... MidMountain is above HAM).

I got some PRs today on lower armstrong (13:13,) Dawns to HAM (21:46) and 8 other emoji medals. Kinda silly that Strava does that, probably even silly-er that the emoji's get me excited. After we got back, we took the kids swimming, Corey worked, Joseph worked on Med school essays, Owen joined them on the ipad when he needed a break from swimming...

The kids have basically worn their swimsuits all day. Playing in the Mine - 

Daniel enjoying coloring!

Sophi and Lily keeping their Jenga skills sharp after getting so good at Bear Lake.

Natalie and Owen doing puzzles.

I went to check on Katharine, and she and Corey were wandering around. Well, Katharine was wandering, and Corey was following her wherever she decided to take herself. Here she is checking out the gym. Going to lift some weights...

There's so much to explore! The kids are excited to play some hotel tag and do lots of swimming. We are looking forward to a great week and are grateful to Wayne and JeNeal for making this wonderful family tradition. JeNeal has been such a wonderful grandmother to our kids. I'm grateful that they each have memories of and have each had a relationship with her. I plan on getting to work on a list of things that I want to do when I'm a grandma. JeNeal has given me an amazing example and given me lot of good ideas of things I want to put on my list. We are grateful for the memoires we have together with her here in Park City. We are at peace knowing that her spirit is running free in heaven, and we look forward to seeing her again and skiing and biking together after the resurrection! 

We'll finish off tonight with a few BeReals - it just went off as we were having family prayer and scriptures. I was kinda funny to hear the notification for all 3 of us in the same room. Ethan took a be real of me ~ 
I took it of Joseph ~
And Joseph turned his around for a selfie of everyone. And Mel's BeReal - looks like they made it to Europe! 
Looks like they are having fun! Ok, that's good for now, going to bed and getting up to go biking with Corey in the morning! yay

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