Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Typical PC Day

This morning before we went on a ride at 7am, I checked on the boys and got a little laugh at how they were sleeping - human tetris!

Corey and I started off Day 2 at PC with another ride. We didn't go up to MidMountain today, but stopped at HAM and started down. I just love HAM. It is so pretty on the way down in that little corner canyon, sigh. Then we continued down on Spiro. My lower Armstrong time today was 13:28 (2nd place - close to yesterday!) and beat my times last year with a PR for Dawns to HAM 19:30. I got an achievement on 12 segments out of 13 total! Only one I didn't get was the Silverspur to Armstrong, but we are just catching our breath there, since you have to bike straight up the ski hill face to get to Silverspur. I used to really struggle with my sanity at Park City, but biking has cured all of that, yay. I think Corey and I could settle down here in Park City someday. 

We were grateful to Wayne for helping us make it out on a ride, by him taking it upon himself to get Wesley off on High Adventure. I don't know where they are going (Wyoming or Montana?) but they picked up Wes on their way, so Wayne took him to the McDonald's at Kimball Junction to get picked up. Wes will be there the rest of the week. With all the snow from this past winter and plenty of rain from spring and summer, they said the mosquitos are really bad. I told Wes I'd pray for him to not be eaten alive. They left at 6:14 to be there at 6:30.

After we got back, I did a few Pacific Rim things, like hollow and superman. The boys saw me and I challenged them to join.

They kinda can't help themselves if you start counting - it's like they hurry into position with an "Okay okay!! I'm doing it!" 
Then we side to side stretches with our legs out and of our feet touching each other. Corey and I hope we can stay young an nimble enough that we are able to keep up with these boys for the next 15 years as we raise them! Another thing I did today in keeping that hope alive was stretching with my nieces Jordyn and Alix. They are both flexible, Jordyn from ballet and Alix from tumbling. We googled some different couples yoga poses and tried them. I was impressed.
I was able to do a few. We were doing this in Grandpa's room and Natalie came over an joined us. 
She's such a flexible little thing. My goal is to be able to do a back bend like Natalie. 
We did one thing where I picked her up like a purse as she held onto her feet. We did it briefly but didn't catch it on camera. Natalie's funny cause she does this heaving/grunting or yelling when he's in position.
So that was fun. What else... I have a few caterpillars at home that I set up with plenty of milkweed, and they should be good until we return on Saturday. And I had 5 chrysalides that I thought would come out Sunday morning, but they didn't. I offered them to my mom but she said she's too busy with work to be able to love them, so instead of giving them away to anyone else, I just brought them up here. Two females came out today. I took them around to share with cousins and inlaws.

Then down to the pool to show the kids. I was able to hold a little "show and tell" event as other people walked by and wanted to see what we had found! Haha, didn't find them here... I brought them from home. Yes, I find the eggs on milkweed in our yard and foster them. It was fun to share. 
When they started to try out flying, I decided to take them to the park on main street. I didn't want them to accidentally fly into the pool or hot tubs as they got used to their wings. One of them flew up high on a power pole as we walked down the stairs. The other one made it to the park, and I did a little photo shoot with her on different lilies - red, pink, orange and yellow. 
I love butterflies! Such a pretty lady.
After a few minutes she flew up high in a tree. Then I went back to the hotel, we did our yoga stuff, and I've been blogging a bit, trying to catch up on past months. The little boys are having fun swimming and it's nice having so many older kids and cousins to watch them when I don't want to go again. The teenage girls keep watching tv - searching for and finding the tv remote controls that I hid and they go in their room and watch Miraculous Ladybug. I admit that I have not given that show a chance. It just looks too stupid. And it probably doesn't help that the girls are sooo giddy and excited about it. They love Cat Noir, and I refuse to get excited about a young teenage animated boy superhero. A trailer was recently released for a "Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie" yaaay. So I'm annoyed that they keep sneaking and watching stupid miraculous stuff and won't go biking, so even though obscene amounts of television watching is kinda part of the Park City tradition, I have now locked the remotes in the safe and they are grounded from tv. We went swimming but I don't take pictures of that when I'm actually swimming with them. Sometimes it's good to just be present and let the memory suffice. Katharine is cute in the pool. 

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