Friday, July 21, 2023

Hibbert Reunion 2023

Today was the last full day at Bear Lake. Three days feels too short! We need a whole week of Hibberts, like the Wrides do. Sigh. Maybe next time? Tonight ended tonight with a group photo - 
37 grandkids, two grandsons in law, 7 kids and 7 spouses. We were only missing a few today Hyrum and a few of Jersh's kids). We area good looking group. One of the last group pics of all the grandkids was 24 grandkids in May 2011 How our family has grown! Tonight we celebrated my parent's 50th wedding anniversary, which was this past February. We had come celebratory decorations and my brother Neil had some questions ready. We had them sit and play the wedding shoe game, where you ask them questions, they can't see each other, and they lift their shoe or their spouses shoe, depending on what they say the answer is to each questions, like "Who said 'I love you' first?" "Who initiated the first kiss?" and fun stuff like that. 
It was fun to have everyone together. Grant is on the stairs here recording a video. Hopefully he'll make a sweet reunion video like he did last time for the 2019 reunion
And right now they are all down having a dance party. The cabin has quiet hours at 10:30, plus Camilla and her family are headed back to Indiana early tomorrow morning, so the last night of partying hard is a little under control. We also spent time tonight looking at the stars. It's been a great day. This morning everyone was active and playing outside. Patrice was feeling jazzed and ready to workout this morning, and shared a memory from YW camp years ago by having Neil join her doing "Go you Chicken Fat, Go!", ha!
That must have been after my time in Young Womens, cause I don't remember that at all. But it was funny. Maybe I'll make my kids do that...  So then Patrice and I went to the gym. Camilla and kids were down there at the basketball court and Neil's kids were playing pickleball. And there was the other usual fun today at the cabin - playing Uno Jenga - Lily was a pro at that. 
Wes played more guitar serenading for Katharine ~
We spent most of today at the lake. I didn't join them there yesterday, but got plenty of pics today to make up for it. We got a ride in Trice's rental 4 wheel car - Cute Katharine. 
The guys had some intense games of Spikeball. 
That was fun to sit in the shade and watch them dive for it and splash in the water. 
Ethan's favorite mission companion Elder Opheikens came and played spikeball at the beach with him. Elder Opheikens just happened to be in Bear Lake doing construction or something. Wes in the game with Uncle Neil, Trevor, and cousin Mikey.
The kids spent most of the day far out on a dock. Grant was out there with them. Bringing the kids back to the shore - 
It was really fun watching Katharine. 
Let me restate that: It was fun watching Melodie watch and enjoy her. I like watching Katharine, but it's even more fun sharing it. 
Katharine was very present with the water. 
Like rolling around it in, fingering it, squishing the sand in her little fists - 
Here's a video of her eating dirt and lapping up the water, ick! With Peter running over to check on her every now and then. 
Looks like Katharine's had enough fun, she's ready to go back to the cabin and get clean and warm.
Mel loves Katharine!
Abi and I also tried to get a few pictures of us doing handstands and headstands. Here's one Abi did - doesn't it look amazing?!?!
I took a video and we were able to do that screenshot as she did a walkover. We both have a goal to actually be able to hold that someday. Here's my best handstand shot - 
I won't share my worst, but it was of me like that with my legs flailing as I fell over. Headstands are a little less risky... Abi tried to get a shot with the reflection to make it more instagram worthy.
Ok, about time to wrap it up. Katharine, you ready to head back to the cabin? She had a great time playing in the shallow water. Cute little head.
We started to pack up as we saw dark clouds rolling in from the northwest. 
I had brought an extra suit for Katharine, so we got her dressed and warm in dry clothes. She fell asleep on Joseph's lap after we got back, as I was showering and changing. 
Cute baby. 
Joseph was working on med school application essays. 
Then it was more card games and video games for the kids for the rest of the night until our dance party. 
Check out tomorrow is at 10. We'll be trying to pack up quickly too, to get back and see Corey and his mom. They were at the hospital most of the day but JeNeal is now home on hospice. Corey said she was in pain and her pain medication took a while to come, but now she has it and she is sleeping, breathing heavily through her mouth with oxygen. Corey took the van on Wednesday, which had the carseats in it, but Jared and Jersh came up tonight (they weren't able to come until today) so Corey took the carseats  to them, so now we're ready for us to go home tomorrow. It's been a fun week. Looking forward to the next Hibbert Reunion!

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