Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Back from Vienna

Mel and Abi are back from their trip to Europe! I picked them up at the airport and brought Katharine, knowing that they would be so excited to see her. 

They both said "KATHARINE!!! AWWW!! I MISSED YOU!!" They packed light for this trip, cause they did a lot of walking with all their belongings and also cause they took like 11 flights. They were impressed with themselves with how tightly they fit all their stuff in their backpacks. 
Abi said "My shoulders are so jacked from carrying this around all day everyday..." They were attacked with hugs after they walked into the house - 
"ABI!!! MEL!!!" Daniel and Peter hugged Abi's legs. She said "It's ok! I can walk with you! Cause I'm jacked!"
I didn't hug them at first at the airport, cause I was unshowered after my bike ride with Corey. "Don't hug me, I'm stinky..." "We're stinky too!" So then we gave hugs as we cheered for stinky women. They said they had gone three days without showering, and ran out of their small tube of toothpaste on Saturday, so they were excited to get clean and freshen up. They were supposed to get back last night, but the flight out of Boston was delayed, so they got to their connecting flight in Dallas too late - but they were grateful for the voucher for food and hotel they got, so it worked out and they didn't even have to impose upon the Hibberts in Dallas. We just chilled at home today 0 the kids played night games last night since tonight is the first school night for our family. Abi, Lily, and Sophi start school tomorrow. I think Abi should be ok with the early mornings - she's 12 hours off anyway from her jetlag. She and Mel were both struggling to stay awake for scriptures at 9, so they were ready for bed. I don't know how Lily and Sophi will do - they've been sleeping in until noon everyday this past week. Wes said that they stay up late talking, reading, and laughing. So we'll see - might be a rude awakening tomorrow morning! 

A few other things from tonight - Natalie is playing soccer and had her first soccer practice. Her team color is "champagne" (aka a light pastel gold/yellow color). I took the boys (ODP) with me and they played at the park while she practiced. Mel kept Katharine at home. I pushed them on this zipline for 30 minutes. They are cute. 
While we were there, I got a call from Wes, who was with Lily and Sophi at Target and Zurchers, that he had locked the van key in the van. I said I could come get him after Natalie's practice was over. So she enjoyed practice, the boys played, we headed home in 30 min, I dropped off the kids, got the key, and drove to Target to save WLS. Wes went to buy balloons - tomorrow morning he is taking Lily to school and then heading to Layton to ask his friend Grace to homecoming. So he's filling her room with a lot of balloons. Fun. Wes here working on his "Pop the question" sign while the kids brushed teeth. 
I got the cutest video of Katharine brushing her teeth tonight. We went to the store on Saturday for school supplies (crayons, erasers, gluesticks, etc...) and cause I wanted to get a covid test for Corey, but they were out, but as I was over in the pharmacy section, the kids saw some tooth brushes, and they were excited about the firefly ones. It is a price I pay for taking kids with me to the store. But K is sure cute brushing her teeth now! I esp loved when she'd brush side to side, so fun. Ok, that's about it - we're read to head to bed - another school year begins tomorrow morning bright and early. Here we go.

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