Sunday, October 22, 2023

Monthly Dinner

Since JeNeal passed away, Corey and his brother and sister have been taking turns having Wayne over for dinner each Sunday. Our week is usually the third Sunday. On the 4th Sunday of the month we all go to eat at Wayne's. We switched things around this month though, because next week, the 4th Sunday, is their cousin's son's mission farewell. So we decided to get together today. We remembered to invite the BYU kids, so Mel came up last night, and Ethan and Bella were here this morning. Knowing we'd have a crowd, Corey grabbed some stuff for a hearty breakfast. 

With 9 am church, I prefer to tell everyone to just skip it and let's get to church on time. We can eat when we get back. Corey, however, is a good provider and father and likes to feed his children. So they are lucky that he often makes them a feast of fruit and yogurt and sausage and hash browns. That's too much work for me! I didn't help make it, but I did help feed kids - I cut up sausages for Katharine...

I didn't want the little kids to eat in their Sunday clothes, cause they will spill or wipe their hands across their stomachs, so I was watching Daniel like a hawk, cause he was dressed, and with the others I tried to help them hurry and eat and then I ran around trying to find who still wasn't dressed and who couldn't find their shoes and ahh hurry we're late! (I start to sound that alarm starting at 8:40am). Church was good. Relief Society today - we discussed President Nelson's talk "Think Celestial" - led by Allie. Good stuff. Picking up Peter after class ~
He's usually the only one, and thus gets all the attention in his primary class! They are lucky teachers too, to have such a sweet student. 

After church, Melodie entertained the kids by having them bob for apples in the back yard. 
And she taught them the pass a fruit with your chin relay - they were too full of giggling to do it with the small apples. 
They got an orange and that worked a little better. While they were out playing, I had another good cry in my closet after church, full of worry for Corey and the project he's working on and if it will work. That's a breakdown last Wednesday, kicked off by the straw, and another one today, with that I should be good for a year atleast! My tears were not detectable when we went over to Nancy's house at 4. They had a new deck put it. We were supposed to have the deck christening for Father's Day, but JeNeal being in the hospital ended up consuming the summer. 
It's a nice new living area! We had a taco salad bar. Wayne made grape juice from the grapes we gave him last week. It was very good. Ethan and Mel were there with us and Joseph showed up a bit later. 
Katharine's cousins whisked her away and did her hair up in pig tails.
Hyrum called from BYU Idaho, so we joked with him that it's like he's still on his mission, having to call in to most of the family gatherings, ha. We all had fun visiting. 
Nancy also showed me some art work that one of her students, Kate Morgan, did for her. Nancy pointed out some of the details, revealing the meaning behind it. It is a painting called "Three Sisters" ~the hair is made up of a collage from letters that each of Nancy's girls wrote to her, and the tree stump is made of music from one of Jeremy's favorite songs (?), and the sisters dresses are collages of French poetry. Then Kate also uses 24K gold in most all her work. It was cool, and made me think of things I might like to draw and do someday. I didn't do too much visiting other than that, talking to Hyrum with Corey, and watching Katharine. Oh, and I shared with Nancy and Jordyn briefly that I've been reading a book about Virgin Coconut Oil and that it can help our skin and thyroids. Ethan and Bella left from Nancy's. Joseph and Mel came home for a little bit more time and joined us for scriptures. Joseph shared this video about faith over worry. We all found it very applicable - for us with our wondering about Corey's work, and Joseph with his concerns with Med school applications and where he will be living next year. 
There was also a quote by President Monson from April 2012 - "Life by the yard is hard; by the inch it's a cinch. Each of us can be true for just one day, and then one more and then one more after that." Did you catch all that advice, Katharine?
Does Katharine looked worried about how she will be provided for over the next 5 years? 
Her hair gives a frazzled impression, haha, but that was thanks to the hair-do by her cousins. K is not worried about anything, she just likes watching videos about puppies. Not worrying is one of the things that Christ taught in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 6:24-34) and I think it is also one of ways we can be like little children (Matt 18:3-4)

I'll try to be more like you, Katharine!

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