Tuesday, November 7, 2023

A Job

There is a group of boys in the neighborhood who all like to ride their bikes to school. Owen is one of them. He is ready to go rain or shine. One mom usually rides with them every morning, and she makes sure they are safe crossing the road, and the rest of us mom's take turns seeing the kids across the road after school. Joseph left a fluorescent orange vest here, that he uses to use with his scooter. I've decided to use that as my vest, and I ordered a stop sign too! 

When Daniel was riding home one day, and saw me in this little outfit, he looked so surprised and said as he rode up to me: "Mom!! You WORK here?!?!" I laughed and said yep! I didn't let him know that I had not been hired by anyone. I'm just self employed. Owen also has a proud smile on his face when he rides up to me. My mom, the crosswalk guard! It's almost as cool as having me volunteer in the classroom. Atleast I hope it is, since I'm not volunteering yet... I hope this counts for something. When I came home today after helping the kids cross, Daniel saw me putting away my stuff and said "Have fun at your job?" He seems very pleased that I have found employment. "Are you glad that I have a job now?" I asked. He nodded and said "I'm glad for you." Daniel is a fun kid. He stayed home briefly today before school with a slight cough. I've been sick since last Thursday with a cough and my voice sounds pretty bad. Corey has NOT been sick, which is odd for us for me to be the sick one and for him to be feeling fine. He said I probably need to get more sleep. So he stayed around this moring with Daniel and Peter while I took a nap with Katharine. I woke up feeling much improved and I'm hopeful that I'm almost over this sore throat. Daniel was at the computer when Corey walked by, and D put up his hand to cover up the screen. Corey said he wouldn't have noticed anything if Daniel hadn't done that, but since he did try to hide it, Corey was curious. He took this picture of what Daniel had been working on. 
"Dere Millie i love you so much you'r my best frend in the hol intire wold. if you love me then i love you. Millie i am sory but we can't kiss any more. adleste we are stil best frend's. from: Daniel to millie love Daniel"

I loved all the spelling. Cute kid. Corey shared that with the college kids and Ethan said "What the flip did I just read?" and Joseph commented "We're gonna have to keep an eye on that kid!" Yep! And that is why I do NOT and will not have a job anytime soon. We have lots of kids that we need to keep our eyes on!

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