Wednesday, November 8, 2023

I Hear A Symphony

Wesley has been working for a few weeks on playing a Cody Fry song called "I Hear a Symphony". He has learned it from watching a tutorial video on youtube (thanks Hugo!)

It makes me want to learn piano! And makes me wish we had a grand piano. We'll get one someday. As for now, it's the keyboard from Costco. I recorded Wesley playing the song via Marco polo for my family via the Hibbert Channel. He's getting good! I'm super impressed. Who knew Wesley would be a concert pianist? Wow. Well after me sharing that, Grant was listening to Cody Fry songs and he shared this one with us. Mel and Wes already knew about this song, I'm sure, cause they know his music, but I didn't know much other than what the kids play here at home, so I hadn't heard this, but I've been listening to it all day - sooo beautiful. It made me tear up!

FLYING - Cody Fry
Where did my wings go?I could've sworn I could flyStraight up into the skyBoy, I should have knownIt was all just a lieNo one on earth can fly
Thought the things you said would turn out trueGuess that's what I get for trusting youYou said if I believed enough, I would flyWhy didn't I?
Did faith let me downOr did I not have enough?That distinction is toughStill, I thought your handsProtected me from the fallDid you mean that at all?
Thought the things you said would turn out trueWas it even you I listened to?I thought if I believed enough, that I would fly
Air is rushing past, and I can barely seeSeems like this fall will be the death of meIn a second now, the ground will come to take me home
Suddenly, a peace that I cannot explainFeels like the wind is running through my veinsOh, and all that I can do is close my eyes as you lift me upYou lift me up
All that I know now is sky and cloudDon't know when my feet last touched the groundYou said if I believed enough, I would fly

Isn't that beautiful?!? It sounds to me like a song about a child and their conversation with God. They start off life having childlike wonder for the world and belief in themselves, that they can fly, but then somehow their wings are gone "Where did my wings go?" Then there's a period of doubt and distrust in God, and I loved the line "Did faith let me down Or did I not have enough? That distinction is tough." (that really is a tough one to know!) And when it seems like you've fallen and it is too hard to even keep trying, God comes with a peace that cannot be explained, He lifts us up. That point in the song describes what I think "becoming new creatures in Christ" feels like - we go through this change and then all we will see is sky and cloud - we'll see things from a heavenly perspective ("think celestial"!) and we'll find that we are flying, and it was because and through HIM. 

Oh, Corey and I have also been reading "My Descent Into Death" by Howard Storm. I ordered it after seeing After Death and hearing him share his experience. Howard was one of the people who actually went to Hell first and was rescued from there when he called out to Jesus to save him. So my mind has been on Christ and his love for us and his power to save and help us fly if we will just turn to Him. Howard was told by Christ and angels "You can save the world." Howard doubted it and pushed back asking how (this is on page 82) and this was in the movie, he was told "You are to love the person you are with." At that part of the movie, I thought he was being told to love his wife better, but then realized it was rather to love whatever person you are presently with - so BE PRESENT and LOVE that person you are with! Love and believe and let God's love lift you up to fly and see and feel and experience all that is glorious and good in the world. Jesus is real, God is real, Heaven is real! So is Hell and all the bad stuff. Be good and choose Christ! 

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