Monday, November 6, 2023

Balloon Festival

Melodie went down to Arizona over the weekend with some friends. They went to a hot air balloon festival on Saturday Nov 4th.

Don't you just love all the colors? 

So pretty! It would be fun to take the kids to one of these festivals some day. I'm not sure if this is the one she went to, but I just googled it. Yeah, this would be fun to do with the kids. 
On the way back after the festival, they went hiking - not sure where though.
(I'm waiting for Mel to reply about that)
But again - I loved the pictures that she took!! Doesn't this one look so cool?
Beautiful southwest desert. 

She also walked through this one muddy spot, and I congratulated her for doing it. I said I would have done it with her had I been there. It needed to be done, I commend her for making it happen.
Although I'm not sure how she finished the hike or if she was able to put her shoes back on with her feet covered in mud? I'm assuming she might have found water? I guess there is a river behind her here - 

And it would have taken water to make that mud, so hopefully she got it washed off. I shall ask her and update if I remember. But she's fun, I'm glad she was able to do that. I was jealous when I saw she was in Arizona. We need to take the kids there someday, cause that was where I served a mission! It is also just the next state over, compared to Chile where Corey served, and we've been able to make it there to his mission, some of the kids several times... seems like we should be able to make it to Arizona. Maybe we'll go in the winter sometime so we can go biking while Utah's mountains are trapped in snow. 

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