Thursday, November 9, 2023


On Tuesday, I had a dentist appointment to get a cavity fixed and a sealant on my molars repaired. A neighbor, who has a little girl Peter's age, said she could watch Peter and Katharine while I went. When we got there, she went to take Katharine, and K wasn't having any of that. She held tightly to me and whimpered. So I carried Katharine in and we found some toys for her to play with. That seemed to do the trick and I was standing to go, and then I pointed out to Katharine something that was behind her. It was their small white dog Juno! And with that I was off without a problem. My friend texted me this picture of Katharine and told me that K just kept saying "Puppy! Puppy!" the whole time. Aww, she looks so happy!!
I think her love for dogs might end up causing me to be a pushover and get her a pet dog someday... A small dog like Juno could work. Of course it wouldn't happen until she's older and it is official that she is the last child (cause I think the jury is still out on that). But perhaps by then her love for puppies won't be as strong as it is now. Right now we'll say the obsession is probably just a big deal cause "doggy" and "puppy" are two of the only words she knows! She is holding a little dalmatian puppy in the picture above. That is her favorite stuffed animal. At violin on Monday, Katharine grabbed the tiny board book for "101 Dalmatians" and was reading that. She likes puppies. She looked so cute rocking back and forth on that little chair!
Also once here at home, when she was down for a nap and I was making my escape, she rolled over and got more comfortable and said "puppy..." in her sleep with a satisfied little grin. That made me smile. Poor toddler Peter had nightmares, but little Katharine dreams about puppies. She's fun. She's also a little spoiled. 
Eating breakfast with Corey. Er - eating Corey's breakfast?
He usually brings enough that he has extra to share with her. I thought the pictures of her squatting on the table were funny. Usually she's on his lap, like this morning. 
Katharine can also do a pretty good dog bark and whimpering sound that will make us crack up (video here). She's so fun, we love Kafrin! Right now she and Peter are over playing at a friends house, and she took her puppy. My friend texted me this pic. I'm glad to see K still has her puppy close by. 

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