Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Sax and Contract

Corey went by Churchill today to borrow a baritone saxophone for a musical number that he is putting together for the ward Christmas party this weekend. They are playing "Crusin' for a Blusin'". He had Lily try it out in case he has her play it. 
It takes a lot of air to make a sound on it! Lily said it was hard but kinda fun. 
The Wrides will be playing a few numbers to entertain the crowd that night. Corey, Joseph, Ethan, and Lily are going to do that number as a fun insert to "We wish you a merry Christmas". Mel and Abi are doing "Black Folks" together, here is one of their practice sessions over the weekend ~
Then Lily will join Mel and Abi for Sugarplum Fairy. Ethan is doing one other song, I can't remember which one. I think Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas? Should be fun. 

Little bit about Lily - she is a creative girl. She is a very talented artist and is also good at writing stories. She has started sharing them with her friends, but she wrote up this contract that they had to sign if they wanted to know about. She's protecting her ideas. I took a pic of it - This contract is her copyright. Sophi signed one but I don't think Abi takes Lily seriously enough to sign it. Her loss!
Here's a funny picture from last night. Owen showed up at scriptures, after having just taken a shower, with his hair was plastered back on his left side, and combed down on the right. It was an interesting look... 
He used A LOT of hairspray. He has become hair aware at an earlier age than most of our boys. I think he might need some guidance though as he treads this path of self grooming! It was cute. Funny kid.

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