Saturday, November 11, 2023

Concert, Corn, Etc

Mel had a Wind Symphony concert tonight for Veteran's Day. It was a patriotic performance in Brigham Young University's brand new Music Building Concert Hall. The concert was called "For Heroes Proved: Veterans Day Celebration featuring Tony Award nominee Derek Klena" I have not heard of him, but lots of women were swooning over how handsome he is and how well he sings. It was good, I was actually struggling to stay awake cause I get interrupted sleep every night, but then I was about to have a coughing fit so that woke me up and I was just swallowing and swallowing trying to calm my itchy throat down. We made it through without me having an attack, and we waved to Mel (got credit for our attendance) and then we texted Ethan and Joseph to see if they wanted to join us for a post concert treat. Corey and I were late cause we stopped to grab some Aubergine at the Orem store. I ordered online, but they didn't have it ready, so that was unfortunate. Since we had dinner, I wasn't really hungry, but I had some dessert anyway but I shouldn't have. I felt sick after. Joseph suggested a churro place but there were a lot of customers standing around and it looked like only one employee trying to serve them, so we skipped that and walked to a place called Yonutz. It was a bit over done with the color scheme and visual stimulation...
As if just having a donut isn't enough, they mix the donut with ice cream and toppings = too much sugar. I can't remember what we ordered, but when it was served to us, we had a hard time with it's presentation. Just not that appetizing looking...
Corey Joseph and Mel were all being funny and making me laugh. Prob won't ever go there again, but it was a memory and we took home pink color changing spoons as souvenirs. 

Ok, a few more pics from this weekend. Today (and I'm so glad I wasn't there when this happened) Wesley climbed the tree trunk next to our home. HE COULD HAVE KILLED HIMSELF. He shimmied his way up the trunk and then SAT DOWN on the top! I told him he may never ever do that again. He had Lily take a picture of him. 
and he took a picture from his bird's eye view of the house. 
AHH I'm so glad I wasn't there. Had I been, I'm sure my panicked emotions would have vibrated through the air and shaken him off his pedestal. And here is another moment of drama, this one I WAS present for - Thursday night Katharine put a kernel of corn up her nose and she was freaking out and I could not get it out. I've had a dozen nasal bulbs over the years but I could not find one. I was trying a straw and tweezers, I texted our pediatrician, I could see the yellow thing, I was pretty sure it was corn from dinner. I couldn't get it out. I put K in the tub to try and just wash it out. I texted a few neighbors to see if they had a bulb and one of them did, hooray for Caroline. Her daughter brought it over. I got in the tub with her, and she already was super mad at me and all of us for pinning her down and operating on her. I held her head one more time once I got the bulb and we got it out. It was the BIG kernel! I put the other one there for size comparison of what I thought I was trying to get. Huge kernel. 
Ahh! Once we got it out, she was still red faced, but much more comfortable and soon she was smiling and playing with the bulb. 
Don't do that again Katharine! 
And last item of documentation - Natalie is a keyboard typing wizard. 
She is killing her class statistics - she's got 3030 Stars, average accuracy 100%, average speed 34 wpm and 1,500,000+ points! almost double the second place from her class (two of our neighborhood kids Grant at 846K, and 3rd Jack at 735K) Natalie has a good group of kids her age in our neighborhood, good kids that are smart and hard workers.

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