Sunday, March 24, 2024

Family Time and Tokens

Happy Palm Sunday. We had a great lesson at church. I want to incorporate more Easter celebrations into our family. I haven't prepared anything though - not sure if we'll be doing anything this year as I don't have anything planned yet... I need to think - I'd like to find something doable and appropriate. 
We went over to Wayne's house for dinner. Spaghetti and salad ~ Katharine doing the best she can under the circumstances.
Joseph and his girlfriend Eliza, and Mel, and Ethan & Bella all came up for the meal. 
It is fun having all the kids together.
As is one of his talents and gifts, Ethan had everyone laughing with some filters, especially photos of Katharine.
This one above is prob our favorite, because of the freaky contribution Natalie gives in the background. 
What do you think Katharine? You look concerned... Everyone's laughing at the baby until the filter's on them!
Ethan took videos, he'll have to upload them. Funny stuff. 
She did not know what was going on. 
This is not the face I remember...
So after visiting, goofing off, playing piano, playing with magnet toys and puzzles, we cleaned up and before we headed home, Corey shared a few thoughts. He asked Wayne if he could get JeNeal's leg braces out. They are physical reminders and tokens of the life she lived. She didn't want to be remembered for her polio, but how that shaped her life and Wayne's and Corey's and all of ours. Her hardships, the way she faced them with grit and resilience, and the way it taught Corey to serve as he saw his father serve JeNeal, it's just been such a blessing. I'm grateful for what JeNeal endured so all of us could learn and grow from seeing her example.

Much like Christ - tokens of Easter remind us of his life and hopefully inspire us to be resolved to follow in his footsteps. 

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