There's a new super hero in town ~
I texted this pic to Hyrum and said "
Blackness has a new nemesis... Pinkness!"
Katharine said "I'm a SUPER HERO!" She is like a real life doll that we get to dress up (if she cooperates). Yesterday, right after school, I was able to use Corey's car to take Natalie out with me to run errands. Corey came home to go on a ride, so I took Natalie out thrifting to get some clothes, and to Dollar tree for poster for O. First we went to Dollar tree, then Kid to Kid, and the DI & Walmart. Natalie looked around at the DI while I ran to Walmart quickly for calendars, rice milk, a new popsocket, and pink lady apples. Back to DI, I go in to pay for her stuff, and then I found more stuff at the DI - a Christmas sweater for myself, some black shoes. And what I was most excited about after all our shopping was a pink Superman shirt for Pinkness (K might not wear it tho) but I found shoes for Katharine that I was confident would be PERFECT!!!!

They are light pink and dark pink and gold and glittery and shiny and each has a big bow on the toe with a diamond in the middle of the bow and a few little rhinestones on the gold ribbons, they have it all. I am confident that they are every 2 year old girl's dream shoes. Also I think I'll mention that these shoes were right by the
blue crocs from long ago that are still there without an owner. I'm sorry little blue crocs, that no one has taken you home. Katharine loved you, but I wouldn't let her. Yesterday I also took a risk and also got a new blue dress. Thankfully she has, atleast momentarily, accepted that offering. And I thought we'd top it off with a big ol' pink bow for her hair. Yeah those shoes are amazing.

At scriptures last night, K was sitting on Abi's lap and Abi was in shorts so K kept scratching her legs with the corners of her new shoes' heels. Katharine sleeps with Abi but K wouldn't take them off. Abi said "It's fine, I'll wait until she's asleep and then I'll take them off..." So when Katharine came downstairs like this this morning....
I wondered "Hmmm. Who won the 'no shoes in the bed' battle?" I texted Abi to ask. She replied "I was gonna take them off her when she went to sleep but I gave up." Haha, funny, I know how that is. (Are we creating a monster?) Natalie tells me that I spoil K too much, and I let her know "I spoiled all of you kids when you were two..." And look, you've turned out just fine. Katharine was still all dolled up when we went to my parent's house today.
I helped out with a few random thinks at my parent's. (They haven't asked me to come over, I'm just imposing service upon them). I cleaned the inside of their garbage can and the lid, emptied the trash and recycling, vacuumed, wiped the stove, swept, dishes and shined the sink. I made it home to get some things done, and then at 2:10 I was at Skyline to pick up Lily. I wanted to get her home asap so she could watch Katharine for me and I could get in a ride before taking Owen to his trumpet lesson.
So after Corey's ride yesterday, I was surprised to see on this Strava that he was on the trail! And had gone all the way up to Lisa Falls! I couldn't tell if he went up the road down the trail or up the trail down the road. I asked him and he said he went up the trail!! WHAT?!?! He said it was totally rideable, the only problem was that he forgot his toe warmers. Oh yeah! I told him I didn't want to go because it would be too cold for me to enjoy, but I had forgotten about the ski toe warmers! So maybe I can do it and not be too cold? Well, I figured I'd give it a go today. I got all ready, with 4 layers on top and 2 on bottom, gloves, neck thing, and footwarmers on my toes and hand warmers in my gloves, and I snuck out the door as soon as we got home. I'm glad Corey tried this out yesterday, cause that gave me the confidence to try, and it was really fun! Beautiful to be in the snowy mountains.
I went up and down on the trail, AND I even did techy!
IN THE SNOW! It was great!! Like I feel like a whole new world has opened up. I got home at 4:30, took a very very cold shower (to force me to be quick) and Owen and I were on the way at 4:48. Then a neighborhood food drive at 7, Abi and Sophi went to the temple, and yeah I've been here blogging. I've been doing good at keeping up since September. Sept is done, and Oct, and I'm caught up on November so far! Still need to finish June - Aug, not bad.