Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Peter to Provo

Today I drove to Provo to take Peter to sleepover with Ethan and Bella. First we stopped by Blendtec to buy a new pitcher. Inside their reception area, they have upside down pitcher as their hanging lights. Kinda fun, I'm seeing there's a blender theme here. There was one receptionist and she was busy for a few minutes. The kids kept themselves busy.

Then we got the pitcher, it was $30 less than I was expecting, yay. Plus a 3 year warranty. Looks like the pitcher that died on Friday was purchased in 2019, so it well survived it's 3 year warranty. I'm sure this one will too. But good for me to keep track of things here. Ok, now let's take you to Bella! Outside I took a pic...

Peter asked to see the pic and was disappointed. "Aw... I wanted to be holding it..." - oh. I guess that's why his hand was out. Ok, I told him to turn his hand like he was holding a cup, and we have to walk out a little further, and you come a little closer to me... there we go.

Very good. He was happy with that one. Ok. We met up with Bella at the bank and they set off for 24 hours of sibling bonding. Bella took him to a park and while they waited for Ethan to finish work.
Then they went out to dinner. I think it's so fun that they are doing this for the kids. 

I went to the Temple this morning. I woke up at 4 on my own, although maybe it was Corey that woke me up. He was awake with heartburn, and since I was now up, I decided I'd go to the temple even though I didn't have an appointment. I was playing this morning by ear, cause we stayed up last night past midnight talking about news and watching a few videos and talking about Trump/Zelensky things. There is crazy stuff going on in the world. I was thinking maybe that's causing Corey stress? Maybe he's got ulcers? As I got ready, I told him we prob need to cut back on his news intake. We've been talking and reading about the White House mistreatment of the Ukrainian president since it happened on Friday. I know what I think about Trump and no amount of spin can convince me that he's a good person, sorry. I just can't believe it. As I drove back from Provo I listened/watched this video, documenting his treatment to local Scotland residents when he built a luxury golf course there. He really is not a kind or good person. And about the confrontation with Zelensky, I'll share this quote by Longtime Republican columnist and commentator David Brooks who said the following about it, and helped me realize that that's what I felt too - nauseous!

“I was nauseated, just nauseated. All my life, I have had a certain idea of about America, that we're a flawed country, but we're fundamentally a force for good in the world, that we defeated Soviet Union, we defeated fascism, we did the Marshall Plan, we did PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) to help people live in Africa. And we make mistakes, Iraq, Vietnam, but they're usually mistakes out of stupidity, naivete and arrogance. They're not because we're ill-intentioned. What I have seen over the last six weeks is the United States behaving vilely, vilely to our friends in Canada and Mexico, vilely to our friends in Europe. And today was the bottom of the barrel, vilely to a man who is defending Western values, at great personal risk to him and his countrymen. Donald Trump believes in one thing. He believes that might makes right. And, in that, he agrees with Vladimir Putin that they are birds of a feather. And he and Vladimir Putin together are trying to create a world that's safe for gangsters, where ruthless people can thrive. And we saw the product of that effort today in the Oval Office. And I have — I first started thinking, is it — am I feeling grief? Am I feeling shock, like I'm in a hallucination? But I just think shame, moral shame. It's a moral injury to see the country you love behave in this way."

So yeah, it's nuts. It's consuming Corey's thoughts for sure, as he listens to more news than me. When I left to the temple, I told him to try to go to sleep by reading and I passed him the book "Shackleton's Stowaway" - it was probably exciting enough that it would capture his attention and help him not think about all the bad news in the US right now, and maybe he could fall back asleep too. He really enjoyed it and shared a part of the introduction with us tonight at scriptures that was riveting! Corey tied it into the idea that what we are really here on earth to learn is how to have faith in our circumstances - ANY circumstance, whatever it might be. Don't like the president of your country and think he's ruining the government of your country? Have faith and trust. I'm excited to read it. Corey might read it to the boys. They are having a reading marathon this month, so that might help them get more minutes in plus it would be bonding time. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Chocolate for FHE

Tonight the kids and Corey had talked about making sushi, but none of them did anything about it, and Corey got home late, so then we did a quick other plan. Natalie had talked to me about putting your hand in ice water, then puttin gmelted chocolate on your hand and then dipping your hand in cold water again and it would freeze in the shape of your hand. I said that was too much chocolate for each person. She said we could also write stuff, so I said that works. I ran to the store for strawberries, a small thing of vanilla ice cream, and 3 extra large chocolate bars. We got some water boiling hot in the microwave and melted the chocolate in the wrapper it was in, then just snipped the corner and it worked perfectly as a little frosting bag. I tested it out writing "Mom" first, then I Katharine and each of the boys' names. Natalie helped me. 

At the table, Corey thought it would be fun to make houses of cards. 

Peter couldn't get his cards to stay up and was so frustrated, he was crying pretty hard and not having fun. I couldn't get mine to work either and told him it's ok to not do something if it makes you frustrated and it's not something that's important/stupid. That's why I don't play video games! (Mario Kart "rainbow road" makes me want to cry, I think I haven't played video games with the kids since I tried that years ago and that's ok, cause video games are stupid.)

I told him to come do the chocolate with me. I let the older girls do their own. 

It only took us one XL chocolate bar to do all the names, but I had already melted a second bar, so we used that to drizzle the strawberries. Add a scoop of ice cream on there and tada - our FHE dessert is looking pretty fancy. 
Corey said I did a good job and said it was good, and thanked me for compromising my standards by buying chocolate. I had a goal to not buy any chocolate this year and I'd kept it so far, minus when I bought Peter's b-day cake, and some dark chocolate for the anniversary dinner. Corey said I get a pass, this didn't count. Ok, thanks, though it's true, I do feel annoyed that the kids' happiness seems to revolve around sugary foods. 

Wesley called during scriptures, and it was fun to talk with him. He shared a scripture and Hyrum said a prayer. Hyrum almost prayed for J&E and E&B and their _____ but then he paused and kept going, hoping that it would just be seen as a glitch in the audio. After Wes hung up, Ethan said "That was a close one Hyrum!" Ethan hasn't let Wesley know that they are expecting, and Hyrum almost gave it away. Maybe Wes will think Hyrum was saying for them to be blessed in their marriages, haha. 
Mel shared a pic of JMEHW in messenger today, from when we were in Pucón
Fifteen years later and those 5 cute little kids are all grown up and gone! Where'd all the time go? We sure love these kids. It's the best having a part in their lives. We are excited for all the future holds for us together with them forever!

Friday, February 21, 2025


Tonight Lily had a concert in Provo. Wayne was so nice and he took Lily down and went to the concert.  So nice. I hope to be the kind of involved grandparent Wayne and JeNeal and my parents have been for my kids. Mel and Christian went to the concert too, and then Wayne took them all out to eat - 

Mel and Christian joined them after they had a fun date at a trampoline park. Fun! Mel's pretty flexible! 
Lily stayed there in Provo after the concert and is spending the night with Mel, so that's fun for them to have some sibling bonding time. These college kids are awesome big siblings and I'm grateful they are trying to be involved in their younger siblings' lives! At home, Corey and I went out to eat at India House. This afternoon K was being her usual adorable self. She was sitting opposite me in the chair at the front room window and talking to me while I attempted to read, and then gave up on reading and tried to be present with her. 

She's so cute and fun. Then she fell asleep in the chair and I did read a little bit. I wasted a little bit of time watching reels today. One lady at bigtimeadulting was pretty funny, I liked her reel asking "Hey ladies, did you cut out alcohol and eat kale during the entire decade of January and notice absolutely no difference in your weight? Yeah, that's cause that's not how it works anymore..." ha! I also, in a moment of weakness, ordered some Rosabella Morenga, then I emailed to try and cancel the order but it was too late. I need to not give in to these impulses. Sorry Corey! We have enough to spend $ on without me believing gimmicks. doh. Oh, so speaking of spending money and Corey, we heard back on Wednesday about Corey's car, and the Saga continues - Burt Brothers said they see at least $1400 of damage to left/right encoder rings that should never happen, but could happen if they (Tanner's) didn't know what they are doing taking things apart and putting it back together. Which we're sure is the reality - that they are incompetent. Corey gave the kids the update: I'm gathering evidence. I didn't pay cash, so I think after I get all the evidence from Burt Brothers I'll go talk with Blaine and let him know we found the problem. Blaine was nice enough to give me proof that there were no error codes before they did more work on it. I'm also talking with the finance companies to put pressure on them...meaning they haven't gotten paid yet so there may be some leverage there. If I had paid with a debit card it would be much harder to get that money back." Ethan gave Corey permission to unleash his inner Karen. Joseph said he feels bad for them, but they really shouldn't be in business. I agree. Corey updated his Google maps review: "I just got a call from Burt Brothers who have been looking at my car. There is pretty clear evidence that front-left encoder ring is very severely damaged and the right one is probably also in bad shape. These units need to be removed to do the transmission work, but damage like this just doesn't happen unless the person doing it has no idea what they are doing. The auto-shop is sending me pictures of some of the damage and they estimate over $1,400 to repair it." We'll see how it goes. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. After almost 3 months we're looking forward to having his car back! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Anniversary Lunch at Home

Happy Anniversary to us. On Facebook I shared 26 pics for 26 years. At home I made a special meal for Corey and I. (I'm glad we got more of our wedding china!)
Katharine helped me prepare it, then helped us enjoy it. I didn't set a place for her, but she was content with her little bowl of ice cream.
So for this meal, we had a repeat of the family feast on Sunday (cause I still had all the ingredients): Salmon, roasted sweet potatoes, beet balsalmic salad, and I added some sushi. Plus one more bottle of sparkling apple cider. Cute matching salt and pepper shakers and teriyaki sauce in the cream dish, to put on our sushi. 
Katharine and I took a quick run to Smiths to get the sushi. She wanted ice cream, so we got ice cream too. Katharine was excited to be able to drive her car again!
Corey had taken her to Smiths last Saturday I think, and she's been wanting to go "driving" again since. "I want to go to my car..." Today was her lucky day.
I got 2 pints of premium chocolate brownie ice cream, plus La Michoacana popsicles, so I could add a scoop of strawberry and coconut to our dishes, making a neapolitan dessert. The popsicles were a little too icy instead of creamy but that's ok. I had leftover treats to give to the kids in exchange for not saving them any of the salmon. And other than a special lunch, it was a regular day. I maybe should have changed Owen's trumpet lesson to a different week, but oh well. Corey and I will prob take raincheck weekend away sometime soon and go to St. George to go biking. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Climbing with M&C

Happy President's Day extended weekend. We had a nice chill day at home yesterday and then in the evening, we went climbing with Mel and Christian. 

Back in January, I told Mel she should invite Christian climbing. Hyrum was like "Hey! What about me?!?!" and I said "Ahh! You're right, you first!" so Hyrum got January, and I told Mel that our February passes had her and Christian's names on them. Tonight was the night that we all went, it was fun! Mel on the left, Christian on the right. 

They didn't keep track of how many they did, but I remember that for my first time, I did three top rope and after that I couldn't move my arms. They did more than three, so they win. K, I just went back and looked - my first time climbing was Nov 8, 2022, and from my records, it appears I did four climbs, so I stand corrected. But it only 3 routes cause I did one twice. Mel and Christian did more than 4 today, so good job guys, you two still win. We did a few boulders too. I did a total of 6 climbs and then 5 boulders. I was able to get the Pink V3, which is the only V3 I can do consistently. After that we took a pic of Mel and Christian. 
Corey joked that she could use the belay glasses to see Christian better (cause he's so tall). "Do you want to put on your dating glasses?" haha, we were laughing. 

A pic of Corey and I too - since we were doing the couple's photo thing.

So it was fun to spend time with them. We think Christian is great and they seem to be good for each other and to have fun together! They've been dating for almost a month (started dating Jan 19, and their first date was Dec 19). So we'll see where this leads! (No pressure Mel!) (...but if he proposes, you should say yes). After climbing we came back and they both stayed around for scriptures and a quick FHE activity of 5000, then they went back to Provo and we went to bed. 

The older girls didn't have school again today, not sure why on that. The little boys had school. So we're not entirely back on routine and I'm guessing it will throw off the rest of the week a little bit. I walked the boys to the bus stop today. At first, I was just going to clear a path on the driveway for Peter to walk along (he was wearing cowboy boots with no tread), but Daniel had already walked on the snow, and since he stepped on it, his footprint stuck even when I tried to shovel it. They thought that was a pretty fun game and so then they were walking in front of me, facing backwards, teasing the shovel that he couldn't get their foot prints off and that he couldn't catch them.

They were laughing and squealing like it was the funnest game in the world. It was cute.
I had a nice walk to Sunrise Point this morning before I took them. It was cold but not too dreary, it was pretty. 
A few more pics of my walk here. Wayne picked up Lily to go to Hale theater with him tonight. I gave him back his wedding topper from their wedding cake that I pieced together. He brought it over on Sunday when I asked him to bring a few wedding memorabilia. It broke years ago when a baby sitter was letting little Corey and his siblings jump on their parent's bed like a trampoline. Kinda fixed, I could tell it had been glued back together before. 
Joseph and Eliza sent us some pics today. 

Aww, they are so cute. It's nice to get a little peak into their life! 

Looks like they are eating food, so that's good. 

So eating food together, looks like they are also going to the temple... that's good.

And taking practice walks with their stroller! ha, cute! Their baby girl should be here in June! Exciting!

We miss you Joseph and Eliza!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Family Anniversary Feast

Today was our Anniversary Feast. Right here was the moment of joy for me, where my heart was so pleased and I felt "This... this is what I was going for..." 

I loved seeing all the kids sitting down together smiling and talking, with candles lit and each plate of green and red next to crystal goblets full of sparkling gold cider. I took a short video of the moment here. "You Are..." So, here's the work this morning that led up to it today. Corey and I stayed up too late, but I still woke up at 5:30 and did some name tag finishing touches, mostly with photos and memorabilia. I put them in order of: high school by the front door, then counter clockwise across the front room to college, one on one dating before mission, missions in the corner by the music room, then into the music room for after I got home, engagement, wedding day and reception. I set it up so people could walk along that way as they entered into the kitchen. The kids slept over at Wayne's and Hyrum took NODPK straight to church from there. Mel Abi and Sophi came home first to get ready. At church the opening and closing hymns each had a line that went along with what I was feeling today - Verse 2 of Hymn 263 "Go Forth with Faith"... "Go forth with faith to tell the world the joy of families, that we can be with those we love for all eternity!"

That is what the gospel is about - us being happy at home, in our marriages and with our children, as we all strive to follow Christ. And also the closing hymn #295 "O Love That Glorifies The Son" also in verse two "O love that binds our family, O love that brings my heart to thee, Pure love that lasts eternally..." I'm grateful to believe in eternal families! I believe it with all my heart. Mel and Hyrum helped me substitute in the nursery. It was just Katharine and Becca. Katharine was shunning Hyrum, and he said "What about Friday?!? You were so happy to see me!??" Becca played with him, and since it was just the two kids, he used that to his advantage "Now Katharine has to play with me if she wants to play with Becca, hahaha" 
Hyrum opened the closet when it was time for snacks. "This was my 7 year old self's dream... Having the keys to this closet. The snacks!!" 
He saw a bunch of warm fuzzies/pom pom balls in a jar and said to Mel "Do you remember this!?!? The party jar!!??" Ahh the simple yet magical memories of childhood. 
Katharine threw a fit a few times. I'm glad that her fit only involves her going over to quietly mourn like a princess against a wall or in a corner. 
Giving herself a hug for comfort as Mel jokingly imitates her. 
Katharine is the cutest. It's fun living with a princess. Back at home, the kids were confined to the basement or the upstairs while we cooked. Potatoes, salmon, mixed the salads, sliced purple onions, filled up dessert trays. Ethan and Bella texted last night that they were going to be speaking in sacrament meeting today and their ward ended at 3, so they wouldn't be here right on time. I said we would wait until they came and let my parents and Wayne know. I was ok with having extra time to get the food ready and out. I wanted us to all start together. While we cooked, Melodie asked me about the prom dress I wore on our first date. I had mentioned to her this past week that I'm on a mission to find it. Well, Mel worked her magic through google and was able to search for the pattern and look what she found on Poshmark! I saw it and said "THAT'S IT!!!" 
Wow! Who knew you could find a dress from 1992 online, amazing! Mel ordered it and said it's an anniversary gift! I'm excited to wear it next year!!! So that was fun. Corey had church meetings, Abi was gone too, but Mel and I got it all ready. Natalie helped too, and Sophi a little bit. After the food wa ready, I watched life 360 for Ethan and Bella's ETA. They ended up visiting with members for a bit, people welcoming them, so they didn't make it until 4:15, but that was ok, cause we just visited until they came.
Katharine did her own makeup. Looking good. She was feeling a bit fussy and then fell asleep in Corey's arms. 
Ethan and Bella arrived and then it was time to eat - the big reveal! Dessert table ~
Everyone went to get their plates that were set at the table and load up at our buffet. Grandparents and adults first ~
Little kids waiting for their turn to go. 
Looks like Daniel went to get a dried tangerine while he waited... I'll allow it. 
Bella and Ethan are pretty healthy eaters, so I tried to have a little less junk this year and more fruit. We had lots of berries, two salads (Apple pecan and my balsamic beet salad), pink potatoes, wild and farmed salmon, shrimp, croissants, lots of red grapes. 
K alseep in a side chair. 
Everyone enjoying the meal. 
After people were mostly finished, Corey had a little quiz that I made the questions for and he did a quick power point of it. 26 questions for 26 years: 
1) What school did Corey and Tiffanie attend when they first met?
  1. What school did Corey and Tiffanie attend when they first met? (Wasatch Jr. High)
  2. What year and time of year/season did they first meet? (Fall of 1988)
  3. Which class did Corey first catch Tiffanie's eye? (Home Ec: All the kids from the other table units came over and were impressed with Tiff's "personal shield" where I drew a very impressive soccer ball, and Corey was one who saw it and said he played soccer)
  4. What book was Corey holding in the hallway that impressed Tiffanie? (Algebra)
  5. Fill in the blank from Corey's message to Tiffanie in her 7th grade yearbook "Dear Tiff. You suck at _soccer_ and you're dumber than a _cow_, have a great __summer__, be a good little __mormon__" Bonus Question: Was there another yearbook message from Corey to Tiff that year? YES or NO ("To Tiffanie Lee Hibbert have an uplifting, enlightening summer. Practice every day and maybe you'll be as good as me (no way) j/k this may I even used to have a crush on U, but I finally came to my senses. HAGS <3 Corey Wride")
  6. What student government offices did Corey and Tiffanie hold in 9th grade? (Corey - Student Body President, Tiffanie - Historian)
  7. What sport did Corey and Tiffanie play together during the summer early in the morning? (Street Hockey on Rollerblades)
  8. Tiffanie often called Corey on the phone for help with which class? (Chemistry)
  9. What was Corey and Tiffanie's first date? What was the theme? And where was it at? (Junior Prom, "Forever Young" Utah State Fairgrounds)
  10. Where did they eat dinner for it? (Hibbert House)
  11. Who was the waitress? (Aunt Patrice)
  12. What was the first thing Corey was served? (Tapioca Pudding)
  13. What other high school dances did Corey and Tiffanie go to together? (Homecoming Junior year - Corey asked Tiffanie; Junior Prom Junior year - Tiffanie asked Corey)
  14. December 1991 Corey gave Tiffanie what gift for Christmas? (Yellow Headband ear warmer thing that Helen made)
  15. What happened June 28, 1993 when Corey and Tiffanie were rollerblading with friends at the U of U?
  16. What was the green valentine Corey gave to Tiffanie? (A green gummy bear) BONUS: what happened to the gummy bear after being saved for years in Tiffanie's treasure box? toddler Abi found it and ate it) And a correction here: I read in my journal after the fact that it was for Christmas, not valentine's day.
  17. What does "I.A.L.A.C." stand for? (I Am Lovable And Capable) 
  18. On June 13, 1992, Tiffanie trashed Corey's bedroom with what? (4 garbage bags full of shredded newspaper)
  19. Both Corey and Tiffanie won what award at Skyline? (Golden Talon)
  20. What schools were Corey and Tiffanie attending when they started to correspond via email? (BYU and Snow College)
  21. What was the name of the vow that Corey and Tiffanie made several times. (Nazarite vow)
  22. What does ">C<" stand for? ("More than Fish")
  23. Where and when was Corey and Tiffanie's first kiss? (at the Wride house's driveway Sunday morning around 1 am on Feb 19, 1995)
  24. Which Temple did they get sealed in? Who was the sealer? (Salt Lake Temple, Ned Winder)
  25. Where was their wedding lunch and wedding reception? (The Inn at Temple Square, Lion House
  26. Where was their honeymoon? (The Homestead in Midway Utah)
So that was fun. Then we watched our wedding video and cleaned up (Christian jumped up and he and Mel loaded the dishwasher and then he washed things by hand that didn't fit. (Mel, he's a keeper!)) and then went to the front room for visiting and silly dancing. We probably need to take some dance classes so we actually have some good moves for next year. 
I would have liked to watch the end of the final episode of the House, where it's the flashbacks to when JMEHW were little and Corey and I are giving advice, and then it's the old clips of Wayne and JeNeal when they were young, but we didn't back to the tv. 
Overall it was a lovely success. I'm going to come back and make a few notes here later for anything we might want to do differently next year. 
Group pic of the kids - 
I should have gotten one with my parents and Wayne, but I guess I felt bad making them stand up. 
They took off, kids played games ~
and did all the normal teasing and squabbling that siblings do. 

I'm grateful for the joy of families! I love this tradition. I'm ready to go crash, and we'll see if it takes me a day or so to recover from all this fun. 

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