On Saturday Joe joined me and seven other people in our ward for an early hike up Little Cottonwood Canyon to the White Pine Trail head. We met at our ward house at 5:30 a.m. and were on the trail at 6. It was a lot of fun, Joe is a great friend to have to go on hikes with. I was going to take Lili too, but when the moment came to put her in the carseat to go, I decided against it and hurried and wrote a note and put out a bottle and formula for Corey to use. Most school mornings she'll sleep until 10 if she nurses during the night, which she had. I called at 9:30 to ask Corey how they were all doing, he said she took the bottle like a champ, so I hiked for another hour before Joe and I headed home when we reached the "Knife's Edge".

Walking past Red Pine Lake which is down the hill on the right.

The Upper Red Pine Lake is behind us, I'm on the left talking to Corey on the cell phone.

Climbing up Red Pine Horn - I'm the 5th one up - Joe was at the end taking his time and keeping Bo Whitmore smiling as he talked about how he was going to die. Aren't I a responsible parent leaving my child behind to fend for himself...

Joe is here in the bottom right corner climbing up Red Pine Horn

At the top of Red Pine Horn, 4 hours into the hike, just another hour to Pfeifferhorn.

People on the left are climbing down to the Knife's Edge, a saddle between Pfeifferhorn and Red Pine Horn, that has huge boulders sticking out. It looked very intimidating from where we were standing, so this is where Joe and I decided we were done. I felt like I was pushing my luck with leaving Lili for much longer, and Joe had had enough thrills climbing Red Pine Horn, he wasn't interested in another steep ascent. So, we headed back home at 10:30, and were down the mountain and in the car at 1:15. The rest of our group got home at 4, so I'm glad we turned around when we did. Anyway, it was a beautiful fall hike and a good workout. I love Fall, it is my favorite season. I love the Utah Mountains.