Just your average night at the Wride house....
Melodie, with all her toys animals gently placed on her lap.

Ethan, fell asleep to Corey reading Harry Potter to him. And with his Webkinz Max keeping him company.

Hyrum and Wes have been insisting on sleeping together the past little while - that's fine by me...

And Abi in her crib.

And wait, where is Joe?

Joseph, what are you still doing up, you book worm! He's reading the Harry Potter series again. He has a few more pages he says, then he'll go to sleep. Yesterday Melodie, who is a silly little girl and an annoying little sister, taped a note on Joseph's back that said "Joseph for Sale! Cheap! $2 - comes with Harry Potter books" I thought it was so funny. Joseph did too, but thought it was annoying too. Silly kids.
Yet AGAIN! What a funny story! I love it. Oldest kids and reading, interesting. I know Xela seems to want nothing but books, and looks like Joe is the same way. I hope my oldest is into books. Having a TV doesn't help of course which neither you or Camilla have. JT wouldn't hear of getting rid of it though.