On Tuesday (Jan 20th) we had planned on all of us going to Disneyland. Corey was feeling a little better, but since he hadn't gotten any work done on Monday like he planned, he opted to stay at the room and kept Abi with him, and so I went to Disneyland with the kids and met up with Wayne and JeNeal there around lunch time - they had gone to the airport to pick up Mark, Seth, and Issac. Nancy, Jordyn, and Alixis had also driven down with Wayne and JeNeal. The park didn't open until 10 on Tuesday. Without Abi, I thought we'd have a good time going on all the coasters again, but poor Wesley is so short, he couldn't meet the 40 inches requirement to ride on the roller coasters. He couldn't even ride on the simulated ride Star Tours. As the other 4 kids entered the attraction entrance, I held Wesley's hand as we walked away to find a bench while we waited, and as we walked he protested "...But I am big!" Later when we met up with the inlaws, it was sad to learn that Wes was the only one among all the 3 year old grandkids (Seth, Jordyn and Wes) that didn't cut it. Wes was quite upset he couldn't go on the big rides, again insisting "...but I am big!", so we chose new vocabulary to help explain his plight "Yes, you are big, but you aren't tall yet, and you need to be tall to ride those rides. You are big, but you're short." (Wesley has been eating his dinner better since Disneyland, as we remind him that eating all his food will help him be tall!) Still, I felt bad for the little guy. We were able to all go on the carosel together. After that, we all went on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, after which I didn't feel so bad, cause he was crying from fright of Mr. Toad, thus leaving me with strong doubts that he would have been able to handle the Matterhorn or Space Mountain anyway. But still, I was talking with the inlaws after and we all decided that Wesley shouldn't have had to pay full price since he wasn't allowed on so many of the rides. They shouldn't have the entrance tickets priced on age, it should be on height. And below 40 inches should be able to get a discount or something~

And Mel was upset that she didn't see Mickey. I think she's perfected her scowl/pouting face, wouldn't you?
Wow, Mel doesn't look happy! Poor Wes! Conner was able to go on everything except Indiana Jones & the river raft ride in CA Adventure. My all time favorite ride was the new Toy Story ride in CA Adventure...SO much fun!