So I went to Costco the other day and I took the three kids not in school with me. After we'd gotten all the groceries we wandered through the toy isle. I saw a Galactic Heroes Millenium Falcon toy and had to get it. I guess I could have waited till I didn't have any youngsters with me to witness Santa in action, but I didn't want to risk the toy being sold out next time I came, so I got it - to be a Christmas Present for Wesley. Wesley noticed me with the toy and I explained that it was for Christmas, he'd have to wait for Christmas, he said ok. He fell asleep on the way home, I unloaded the car and hid the toy while he napped, but when he woke up, he asked me if he could go get his toy out of the car. "It's not in the car" I said as a stall tactic, but he continued to ask for it every five minutes for the rest of the day and the following day. Well, not that many times, but he was persistent. I admit that I have a problem with giving the kids toys for no particular reason other than I love seeing them play, so as I put him to bed after a day of ignoring his request, the next day I resolved that if he asked again, I'd give in. He came up the stairs in the morning and the first words out of his mouth, rubbing his sleepy eyes, was "Can I have my toy now?" Oooh-kaaay. I made him put on a Santa hat and let me take a picture so that if I want to I might give him the picture for Christmas and we'll see if that helps him understand that he already opened his present. But I'll probably still buy him a big gift. He was a happy boy. We've got quite the Star Wars Galactic Heroes collection going.