Everyday I get emails from Fit Yummy Mummy with exercise tips and such. Well, this month I got one that I think has forever changed the way I get my vegetables. We're talking about Green Smoothies! My sister-in-law Nancy had a green smoothie made up some time ago when she was trying out things from the book "Eat to Live", so that was my first introduction. I remember I tried her green shake, can't remember it being terrible or incredible. So already having had the seed planted in my brain, this email from FYM caught my attention. I printed up her "How to" on making smoothies and gave it a go for the first time on Monday night. It was fun seeing my kids pretty grossed out at my green concoction. But I set a good example "I made this, I don't know how it will taste, but I will eat it even if it's disgusting cause it's healthy for me and cause we don't waste food in our family." I made that shake out of a lot of fresh spinach, a cup of frozen berries, a little bit of Vanilla Protein Powder and some xylitol for sweetening. So, it wasn't incredible, but I did feel very full and satisfied after I finally got it all down. Tuesday I thought I'd experiment with Chocolate Green Smoothies. Pretty good my on my first try, and on my second try, I perfected my formula and have found my perfect delicious food that tastes to me like chocolate ice cream. Give it a go, if you dare!! I love it, and am stocked up to enjoy one of these delicious Green Smoothies everyday for 3 weeks. Simply blend (use a KTEC blender for ideal consistency, I love my KTEC):
2 + c. spinach
1/2 c. water
6 ice cubes
1 tsp. xylitol
5 drops vanilla stevia
1/2 banana, sliced and frozen
1 Tbsp. cocoa powder
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I use EAS whey protein from Sam's Club)
Yummy yummy! Oh, and then after it's all mixed toss in a little bit of Kashi Honey Sunshine cereal to be the cone in your chocolate ice cream shake. Pulse that for just a second, and you'll be enjoying your ice cream and getting your greens too! Let me know if you try it, or come by my house and I'll whip one up for us to share.
Here's a youtube video on making green smoothies that shares more reasons why they are great.