This was the kids one week ago during their (unknown to them at the time) last play day with Legos. (No Legos will be making the trip to CR with us). Can't you tell they are all just so hard at work? And I got all 7 of them in the shot, Lily was the cutest, sitting in one of the tubs - Corey had spent all Sunday organizing the Legos by color. He's convinced that someday we'll have a big lego room where Legos are sorted by color and element, and it will just save us all HOURS of time, cause that's what you spend most of your time doing when you're building with Legos, digging through it trying to find that one piece. What will we do with all that extra time?!

Lily was in the mini-figure tub. She found Sponge Bob.
Good luck on your adventure... I'll be checking your blog for updates! :)