"When we deal in generalities, we shall never succeed. When we deal in specifics, we shall rarely have a failure. When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of performance accelerates." — Thomas S Monson
Day 1 following a plan, and I'm doing awesome. I think inside of me is a person who is happy if she just has a list of things to record and check off :) Kristi Approved's Program is good for that with their Daily Discipline in their
Phase 1 book. I bought that over a year ago, in February 2010, and since then, from their website it looks like they've changed the packages they sell, but I have the phase 1 and phase 2 books, which have recipes, shopping lists and exercise routines. After I started phase 2 I got bored with the exercises and that's when I started Bodyrock in Costa Rica, which I'm going to continue with, but my plan for now pretty much follows Kristi Approved's Diet system and their "
Seven Keys" - watch the video on that link if you want, but just wanted to reference it so that I can talk about their keys here without feeling like I'm telling you something that is a secret for KA members only. :)
1 Nutrition
2 Hydration
3 Resistance Training
4 Cardio Training
5 Rest
6 Supplementation
7 Accountability
Posting all the boring details of my plan here will, I hope, help me be accountable to myself and maybe to any of you who want to join me. (You with me, Nicole?) Kristi Approved Key 7: ACCOUNTABILITY "Keep yourself accountable, make and report weekly measurements, Never change alone" I like their Daily Discipline, too... I'll try to post how that works later.
8:00 - woke up, took vitamins: Prenatal Vitamin, fish oil, and extra iron pill, since I'm slightly anemic right now - 8 pregnancies has totally drained my iron stores apparently. (note to self: work on getting up earlier...) but I did get 8 hours of sleep - the Kristi Approved Key 5: REST "Get 6-8 hours of rest per night. Being asleep by 10-11 pm is optimal"
Here was my nutrition plan for the day: KA Key #1: NUTRITION - "Eat 5-7 meals with the right types of foods (aka no cookie dough) and with correct food group combinations, every 2-3 hours. Plan/prepare your meals in advance"
8:30 - Meal 1 - breakfast total calories 300
grapefruit (100 cal) 1/2 c. cottage cheese (80 cal) 1/2 c. greek vanilla yogurt (90) 1/4 c. honey sunshine cereal (33)
9 - 11 - helped the kids with their jobs, read with Wesley, cleaned
11:00 - Meal 2 - total calories 270
Ham (100) & wheat tortilla (120) with cheese (30) lettuce & tomato (20)
11 - 1 - internet, email, news, etc, loaded dishwasher, cleaned my room, did Abi's hair
1:00 - Meal 3 - Chocolate shake - total calories 281
cocoa powder (15) Protein Powder (140) 1/2 frozen banana slices (60) 1/2 c. honey sunshine cereal (66)
KA Key #6 - SUPPLEMENTATION: Consume proper supplements including Mulitivitamins, essential fatty acids, recovery supplementation, and protein powder.
2 - 4 - exercised - did a 600 rep workout, which was mostly (KA Key#3:) RESISTANCE TRAINING - "Weight bearing exercise 3-5 days per week) Here's my Bodyrock
Moleskin notebook that I made to be my exercise reference book.

I like these little books. I stole it from Corey - he does contract work at Veracity and had like 10 of these that they gave to him.)
4:00 - Meal 4 - total calories 280
18 reduced fat wheat thins (140) 2 celery sticks (4) 3 T. honey nut cream cheese (135)
4-5 - blogged about this here.
7:00 - I'll be finishing up with some scrambled eggs and tomatoes and salsa tonight
I've been drinking 2-3 cups of water with and between each meal. HYDRATION is the KA Key #2 - "Ddrink 3-4 liters of water per day (96-128 oz). I use this little pony bead thing I made to keep track of my water - have it hanging on my towel rack in my bathroom where I usually drink.

I've also used it to keep track of my lunges when I do a 400 lunge workout - each bead is 50 lunges. Helps me so I don't loose track in my head.

It's a handy little thing to have around. So, that's all the 7 keys and how they are part of my day- except I didn't do Key 4 yet - CARDIO TRAINING: "Perfom cardio training for 20-45 minutes 4-6 days per week" Maybe I'll go on a walk tonight, but I did get some cardio in my 600 rep workout doing side lunges and 180 step touches.
Oh, and my pregnancy workout today was 60 reps of each of the following:
1) deadlifts with 2 25 lb dumbbells
2) calf raises
3) push ups on knees
4) shoulder presses with 2 12 lb dumbbells
5) second wall squats 3 times
6) T-ups, no weight
7) plank hold with knees to elbows
8) 180 step back and touch the floor
9) reverse plan with kick up
10) side lunge touch
pregnancy bodyrock pregnant workout pregnancy routine pregnancy workout at home pregnancy plan