Loving this blog today - "Stand A Little Taller" - I'm enjoying browsing through her posts, and reading some of her thoughts on the NDE books she's read. (I just read this one, I hadn't heard of this family or accident, should probably watch the local news more...) - What she shares is making me take time to pause and think deeper. I don't get much of my "to-do's" done everyday, but I do have time to read, think, and ponder. Here's another post I thought was great.
There is so much we don't know. There are many things which I believe strongly, some other things that I know, some things that I think I know (aka faith) - I do not claim to have all the answers. One thing that I do KNOW is that Man is nothing - in the sense that we are small and basically powerless over most of our lives. I remember when my first baby was born and I was trying to learn how to help him latch on and nurse - and it occurred to me - if he didn't figure this out, I was pretty much out of luck getting food to him. Thank goodness babies have a sucking reflex - totally Divine design. I don't believe that anyone would look at the Rosetta Stone and think it was carved by wind and rain. No one would look at a cell phone and not recognize that there is a designer behind it. Cell phones, computers, cameras - all amazing inventions, but no camera man can create compares with the human eye, and the eye is just ONE small part of our remarkable bodies. I know there is a designer behind the human body, behind the earth, behind the solar system and the galaxy, and we know there are GALAXIES without number, amazing. Here is a tiny glimpse (or watch it on youtube here)

I believe and know there is a Creator and Designer. Man is nothing, but we are also everything to HIM.
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