During January I've mostly just been doing bodyweight exercises with Zuzka plus I did do my own additional exercise goal for January and got 100% in doing 12 minutes of planks 3 x a week (Mon, Wed, Sat) - I do either 3:00 min intervals or 1:00 minute intervals 3 times of (I found random videos online to demonstrate):
1) Center Plank Hold
2) Side Plank Hold Left
3) Side Plank Hold Right (sometimes I do the up and down moves, sometimes just the hold)
4) Yoga Table (this is a P90X Yoga X move, but that link is some other guy showing it. Everytime I do it I hear Tony Horton in my mind "You're gonna feel this in your biceps and your shoulders, I know I do!")
I used weights for ZWOD #2 but haven't done any Bodyrock workouts that require equipment, well, except for the Gymboss timer. Plus I've kinda bailed on the new BR, but I still do Z's old workouts there. For some of her old workouts, I still want/need to get the equipment. I'm waiting for my birthday to get some of the real equipment things. Going to either get a sandbag or equlaizer first.
This is my current "sandbag-ish enough" thing. I bought the above tool bag at Walmart a long time ago, the tools have all been moved to a metal toolbox, so I threw a 30 lb. weight in this bag and padded it with some fleece vests - works pretty good for some of BR exercises, like the power lunge.
But I need to get a real sandbag or better DIY version of it soon. Post about why sandbags are good here and a sandbag DIY here.
I'm glad I never ordered a Dip Station. I almost ordered one for Christmas, but then read the reviews of it on Amazon and decided to try and find a walker for cheap at the thrift store first before I paid $100 bucks for it. Now BRtv is advertising a new product, the Equalizer, which looks like you can use for all the same dip station moves, only it's more functional and you can do more stuff with it.
I haven't ordered the Equalizer yet, I'm just using two chairs for exercises like core splits, or using these two long vacuum poles I found in our house for reverse push ups. The owner of our house has some stuff in the basement, so these are two of my make shift workout centers.
Making it do and doing without for now. It's fun to improvise. Did pretty good with my diet and exercise goals for January, making more diet adjustments and pushing a little harder with my exercises this month. I was able to zip up my pre-pregnancy jeans again, so that was exciting! ...just have a major muffin top. :) It's okay, cause I'll get there... "I'll never give up, you'll have to kill me!" -Zuzka (I just read this post about Zuzana, I liked what she said so thought I'd repost it.)
Love the quote...going to remember that one this month too!
ReplyDeleteHi Tiffanie! Oh wow, you said 15 lb weights? I was only able to do weights on the very LAST rep....killing me, haha!!! I find problems with my knees and ankles, too, so trying to vary exercises. Thankful to find other moms here who are doing a good job at getting back in shape :)
I got a pretty fast time, but next time I'm going to go slower and go for more burn. My knees are getting bad - the skater jumps weren't good on me (I'm almost 36, getting older is so fun!)