President Monson = 7up cause of the counsel he gave to Elder Cook to "look up" in this talk
President Eyring = O'Henry bar since his first name is Henry
President Uchtdorf = Soup - Wikipedia says his grandmother joined the church because of her meeting a member of the church in a soup line in Germany during WWII
And so it continues like this:

President Packer - Milk - from a story in Teach Ye Diligently (retold here)where his son was trying to force feed a kitten milk, you can't force people to learn, you just got to teach diligently. (got chocolate milk)
Elder Perry - Pears
Elder Nelson - Chinese Noodles or something chinese, from when he learned Mandarin Chinese because of President Kimball's advice. (at the very end of this article)
Elder Oaks - Pineapple - he was chairman of the Board of Directors over the Polynesian Culture Center in Hawaii - (got pineapple juice)
Elder Ballard - Lemonade - cause he was a car dealer and tried to sell the Ford Edsel, but it was a lemon :) (got lemonheads instead)
Elder Scott - Grapes from this talk (got grape juice)
Elder Hales - He's from New York, so gonna try to find New York cheesecake - (got New York Cheesecake Icecream, that works. I think we'll also make a subway sandwich.)
Elder Holland - Twinkies from this talk
Elder Bednar - Pickles from this talk (doh! I forgot the pickles!! blast! maybe I have some peach jam...)
Elder Cook - Cookies, cause his last name is Cook
Elder Christofferson - Homemade Bread from this talk
Elder Anderson - Black Licorice for Sid Going from the New Zealand All Blacks in this talk (got black jelly beans)
I can't wait to see if your idea works. I also like the idea of conference cookies. I should have planned ahead a little better and done something. It's been a long not so very good day and it's midnight and I'm just now trying to get the house somewhat clean so hopefully I can feel the Spirit tomorrow to learn what i need to.