Wesley picked this rose for me. I cut it's stem and put it in our bathroom. This rose was like over-the-top gorgeous. Huge and beautiful. These pictures don't do it justice. I just kept staring at it and trying to get a good enough picture that could kind of capture it's magnificence, but couldn't.
Reminded me of this quote (page 38):

Virginia Pearce shares how her husband is a butterfly collector then says:
"We have museum drawers full of outrageously unnecessary beauty. It is beauty that causes you to wonder how your vocabulary could be so small and woefully inadequate. ... When I want to fill my heart with His love, I open my eyes to the creations of His hand, especially the ones that seem outrageously and uselessly beautiful--sunsets, sunrises, ice crystals, the way a baby laughs before she can do useful things such as talking and walking..."
Speaking of babies, Sophia started really crawling today, and it was SOOOO CUTE! Amazing that no matter if the accomplishment is big of small, they equally will fill your heart to almost bursting ~ whether it's a baby learning to clap or a 4 year old writing their name for the first time or a 12 year old getting lost in a book. It is joyful to see these little ones learn and grow. Each stage of parenthood has it's delightful moments. So seeing her crawl today totally filled my heart with joy - We all start squealing and calling for anyone who hasn't seen yet to come over and watch this little 9 month old slap her sweet little chubby hands on the ground and move herself along, we were all laughing, it is wonderful. Life is good and beautiful. Even when it's not, I enjoy trying to train myself to make it beautiful.
Sophi likes the cool air from the floor vent :) |
I've found that having older kids with little ones makes things more fun too. It's just as exciting to me, all their little "steps" along the way, when it was just Kelsey as it is with Sophie - but to be able to share it with older children & see them so excited about it too - heart melting! I love telling Sophie to go show Kelsey something, or to do a silly dance move for Ashton. Kids are fun!