Friday, July 13, 2012

Bubble Gum

Well, with the "One on One" cards out in full view of everyone, each of the kids has already had a one on one date during this week.  Gonna slow it down a little next week, but good that they all hurried and had a turn and can relax a bit about it now.  Wesley and Lily both went last night.  Corey took Wes out for ice cream and fries at McDonald's and Lily was so sad cause she wanted to go.  They were gone for like an house and when he got back home he took Lily out.  They returned in like 15 minutes, so I asked Corey how it went.  He gave me this report:

"Lily, do you want to go get ice cream?"

"No.  Bubblegum."

"You want to go get bubblegum?"

"Yeah!"  (Abi got bubblegum on her One on One yesterday, it was one hot item)

So they went to Albertson's and bought some pink bubble tape gum.  And a pink balloon.

"Do you want to go get ice cream now?"

"No.  Go home."  So cute.  So easy to please, such a simple little person.  She shared most of her gum with everyone when she got home, so then they all had to go brush their teeth again. 

Lily was still able to pick off more than her mouth could hold.  (got a huge wad in there...)

Yes, little 3 year olds are so easy to please.  Wish all of my children's desires were so simple and could be so quickly and inexpensively satisfied.  Three cheers for pink stuff!

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