Well, I guess I'm pretty much done with the "hard" parts of being the
Reflections Program Chair person. We had our open house last night which I think I did an awesome job at it, being as I did it all by myself. I kept kinda wishing someone would come forth and offer help over these weeks, but wishful thinking. Nothing just happens, and I have kind of a hard time asking people for help, I hate to impose and would rather just do it by myself instead of possibly inconvenience anyone.
Yes, there were a lot of entries of nature: waterfalls, trees, and mountains, as Ethan and Mel's artworks both attest.
As Corey took this picture, he said "Three generations of artists... |
So, yesterday I spend the whole day at my computer typing up all the names of the students that entered and "artist statements" for the photography and visual art entries. I was given the inspiration to pin the art on the carpeted walls with sewing pins and it worked like magic, I was so pleased. It was really simple to put up and take down and didn't damage the artwork or anything, it was sweet and I was thankful. I ran to the school after Joe came home and spent 2 hours by myself, then came home to get the kids ready and in the car so we could go back over for the big event. As we pulled into the parking lot 5 minutes before it started, there was one car, and it was Corey's. My hubby was there to support me. We went into the school. Ethan and Mel were impressed with my work. Ethan also said "I'd rather no one comes rather than just
one person..." which I could understand, it's better to have no one show than to have someone come and have them feel bad for you - cause then you have a poor turnout AND someone besides you knows that you had a poor turnout. But we didn't advertise it too much, so it's okay, it was low-key anyway. The principal was there, she estimated that over the hour there were 20 families that came, I think it was more like
maybe 10.
So I worked all day (without complaining!) and set it up (without complaining, I'm learning!
Ya just have to do it) and we had the open house and I was pleased with how it turned out, so even though not many people came I didn't mind. Abi felt sick the whole time, my house was a wreck from my having neglected it all day to do Reflections, so after it was done Corey ran to the store for food/dinner and we went home to try and clear off the table, and I was just coming in from the garage when I see Ethan coming back toward me and he says "Abi just threw up..." and it was true, a big mess all over the kitchen floor. Sweet! I'm happy, cause she didn't throw up on carpet at home, or at the school, or in the car, so this is good. Stinky and gross, but good/better than it could have been. And I could complain and it would still take 20 minutes to clean up, or I can be calm and pleasant and it will take 20 minutes to clean up.
Complaining doesn't make anything better. (Although I have read that
swearing can increase one's tolerance for pain, so if you consider cleaning up throwup to be "pain"-ful, then maybe complaining will be helpful if you do it by swearing... although I don't want to make a habit of swearing, but I might keep swearing on the table if I get
my femur cracked in half.) So I mopped up the puke and was grateful that Corey's bringing home the bacon for the fam.
I know everyone just loves seeing pictures of throw up, so there ya go. |
So that was last night. Today I was over at the school from 8:30-10:30 this morning for the awards assembly. Wasn't too bad, hope parent's and kid's are okay with the results, no hard feelings for trophies not awarded. After it was done lots of the kids didn't pick up their work, so I had to sort pieces that I need to keep to ones that needed to be returned and then walked around to the classrooms giving those back. Kind of a lot of busy work mostly cause I wanted to get back home to my kids, but not too bad. And now just a few hitches to finish up - two awards where I misspelled the names, a few pieces that need to frame their work better or unframe it (no glass frames allowed), and I go drop those off for counsel by next Thursday, so I'm basically done and don't plan on doing it again next year, but I am thinking I'll proactively call whoever is in charge and offer her help, since that was what I was wishing for these past few weeks.
Political side note -
This Obama ad is awful and has to be the worst yet, made me
cringe. Yes, it is that bad. If Obama runs this ad, it's going to cost
him votes. Then again, there was a study done recently that showed
that Romney ads had been wholly ineffective, but Obama ads are effective
at getting people to vote, for Mitt Romney. Yet another sign of the
coming landslide. This woman is a perfect example of what I've been thinking these last four years: If Obama was the answer, just how stupid was the question?