Thursday, February 12, 2015

At the Bus Stop and Other Messes

Lily goes to afternoon kindergarten. She catches the bus at the corner two houses away. Today as we were waiting, Natalie threw up. It took her quite by surprise. 
She hadn't been acting sick or uncomfortable today, so I wasn't expecting it either. She looked so sadly pathetic and sweet with a worried and surprised expression on her face, throw up down the front of her cute sweater and covering the black bow of her little Sunday shoes. 
After the initial "ah!" by me, I just laughed. She's so cute. She didn't have socks on, I bet the throw up felt yucky on her foot. It made me laugh. Walking back home...
squish squish... squish squish squish...
She threw up on the side walk and then on the grass. Should I tell our neighbors so they can get their hose, or do I go back down the street with a bucket of water to wash it off? Well, first things first... Get out my phone to try and capture the moment :) then wave to Lily as she gets on the bus. Back at home, a few more pictures before I carry you straight up to the tub. 
Oh Natalie, you make me smile. Love your little face, even with your throw up beard. But lets go wash that off and get you smelling nice.
She's such a swetie. So she took a bath and I haven't gone to clean it up outside, sorry neighbor. Maybe it will give the kids a strange mystery to solve when they come home from school and notice a peculiar substance on their path.
Thus is life of a mom. And some more of the like ~ last night I was washing dirty spots off of the carpet on the stairs at 9:30 pm ~ kids are all up doing homework or practicing music or just being noisy, the house was loud and alive with activity. And then Sophi comes out of her room and looks to me from the top of the stairs and informs me: "Mommy, I wet." I've kinda given up on potty training her for the time being, she's just not interested and I'm sick of cleaning up pee. But I took Joseph and Ethan to band, so Corey was home with the kids, and put her in underwear cause she said she wanted underwear. So I got to clean up pee after I got home, then again as I cleaned the stairs. But before I went to clean up the pee I thought I'd finish the stairs. Working my way down, and just a few moments later another child comes from the bottom of the stairs behind me... "The downstairs toilet is clogged...." I just kinda laughed and shook my head with frustrated exhaustion. Thus is the life of a mom. 

And I was thinking, one thing that makes traveling hard is all the daily messes and emergencies. I better start to prepare myself mentally. Cause here at home, I know how to handle it and I've got all the tools I need at my disposal. When we get in a new environment, I have to relearn how to handle the situation in our current situation and often spend a few weeks stocking up on all the supplies I am used to just having around. Situations and supplies that help in such situations as cut lips and allergic reactions and clogged toilets in Costa Rica, or busted fingernail in Chile. Always an adventure. But I'm looking forward to it, I need a break from school and our busy life here in the USA. I know I will miss Costco and time will slow down in some ways, but it will be fun and I know I'll be glad we went. And glad to have my little mess makers and friends along for the fun.