Saturday, January 30, 2021

Father and Elders

Tonight Father David came over for dinner. The missionaries from our stake reached out to us on Monday last week, after Ethan sent them several referrals of our neighbors and people they might be able to teach. So we told them what is going on with neighbors and who might be interested. Ethan also told them about Iveth and Diego and Father David. We told them that Iveth and Diego really are not interested at all. We had a good friendship with them, and still mostly do, but it changed after we invited them to Sophi's baptism. After that invitation, they've kinda closed up. I googled some stuff about baptism in the Catholic church, and I think for their baptisms, people who attend are like endorsing it, so maybe they just didn't want to endorse Sophia being baptized into a religious they think is false? I don't know, but things haven't been the same since then. But Father David was cool talking about religion. So they asked if they could come over today when he was here. Corey was a little hesitant, since we're still gauging if he has any interest (we've extended a few invitations and Corey gave him the book Saints for Christmas). Corey sent Father David a well worded text and Father D said it would be fine with him if the missionaries joined us, so yay! It made for a very fun and interesting evening. The missionaries can't eat with any members though, so we had dinner at 5 with just him, and then the missionaries joined us at 6 after we were finished eating. We had a little visit in the front room - Elders on the left, Father David...

then Wes, Corey and me
After a short visit, Wesley brought out his portable ping pong set and Wes and Father David had a game while the missionaries kept score. Father David won. Then it was Elder Sibbett's turn -
Elder Sibbett won that match. They told us on Monday that sometimes they do a think "We beat you, we teach you" but they didn't have that deal tonight. After a game of ping pong, they helped Father David get set up with FamilySearch on his phone. As Elder Sibbett was doing that, Natalie brought out her Book of Mormon and was asking questions to the other Elder (can't remember his name) about the restoration and God and she was sharing what she is doing to get ready for her baptism in the summer. 
Then she got out the Friend magazine which gave her more topics to discuss. It was really cute to hear her. 
She inserted herself right in the middle of the three of them and was bringing up some good doctrinal questions which was cute. Pretty smart 7 year old. Father David got all set up and found some of his family tree.
Then he used the bathroom right when the Elders had to leave so he came out and they were gone without saying goodbye, which was too bad, because Father David stayed for over two more hours. That would have been fun for him and the missionaries to talk more. Last time Father David had to leave right at 7, and we told the missionaries that, so maybe that's why they took off or maybe they had an appointment. But Father David's appointment cancelled, so he and Corey talked until past 9:30. It was fun and they got into some good stuff, like the Arian controversy and some ideas about the current pope. From what we can tell, Father D and Iveth and Diego are all a bit conspiratorial about covid and the vaccine and other world events. We plan to pry into their thinking during future gatherings. 

(Sunday Update:) I shared about this visit with Father David and the Elders on facebook, mostly since it's in such contrast to the relationships we see around political differences in the news: "We enjoyed having our friend Father David over for dinner last night and are grateful that he was willing to let us invite our local missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ join us. They played ping pong, Father David got set up to do family history via FamilySearch app, and we had a lovely visit. I’m thankful for examples like this that I see everyday - people of different beliefs and opinions being civil, kind, and friendly!"
There are two comments that made me smile from friends that grew up in my neighborhood with me: Melanie: "THIS! Love it!" and Kiley: "Oh my goodness, this is the most uplifting post I’ve seen in weeks!!! I completely agree, we don’t all have to think and be the same in order to be kind to each other. The world would be so different right now if everyone lived this way. Thank you for posting!"

(Back to Saturday...) So that was fun. A few more pictures from this weekend: On most nights, we put Peter to bed in his room. Sometime during the night, usually between midnight and 2, he wakes up, cries, and comes into our room on his own if I remember to leave it unlocked, or he'll cry at the door until I open it. And then we lay down on the floor together. I slept on the floor with him for a long time when I nursed him, cause the floor wouldn't move when I tried to sneak away. The floor still works well now for that same reason. Plus I like the plush rug. On most mornings, he's tucked over on some corner of the shag carpet and I'm able to leave to make oatmeal, take carpool, and get kids off to school. And then some mornings, like yesterday morning, he is very comfortably asleep right on top of me. Good thing it was online Friday.
He was nestled right up between my legs. Pretty cute little guy. I'm glad he is still my baby sometimes. 

Wesley made this cool house for his 3D design class. Wesley is going to become an architect and make me a beautiful home someday, and he's gonna give us a great deal on it too!
One productive (maybe) thing I did this weekend, was I went through my unread emails and was able to get it from 4100 to 2870. I'm almost as behind on emails as I am on the blog! (Confession: the day that I'm finally finishing this draft is March 15) But with this post completed,  I am now officially finished with January, yay! Goodnight

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Virtual Wax Museum

Sophia had her wax museum last Thursday at school. She learned about and dressed up as Sally Ride.

She borrowed a costume from her teacher. 

Today we got the link to the wax museum that they recorded. We've had lot of years of wax museums. Joseph was Mitt, Melodie was Sacagawea, Ethan missed it cause he was going to school in Chile, Hyrum was Abraham Lincoln, Wes was Norman Rockwell. Abi was Helen Keller, Lily was Amelia Earhart (great hair Lil!), and now Sophi as Sally Ride. Today we watched a little video that her teacher made of the museum, since we weren't allowed to visit the museum in person due to Covid. 

Here she is in these two photos with 3 other Sally Ride's and Barack Obama. 

It's fun! Good job Soph! If you want to follow in Sally Ride's footsteps then I know you'll made a great astronaut and you've got a good last name for it too!

I'm catching up on the blog, as always. Today I finished December, yay, so 2020 is on the books. I don't think I have time to have the blog books made and shipped back in time for our anniversary, but that is ok. It feels good to have December done. I was working on printing it tonight. It looks like I have way too many photos again, so it will have to be divided into 3 volumes again. Darn, but oh well. I'm not willing to go back and delete posts or pictures, so 3 volumes it is. 

Today I also mailed some notarized papers to Mel that she needs to finish her visa application to Brazil. I hope that she and Ethan are able to go to their missions! Brazil looks like they are having a tough time. We are all praying for our friend Tiago. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Prayers for Thiago

Our friends in Brazil, Rafael and Natalia, let us know yesterday that one of their dear friends is in the hospital with Covid19. His name is Thiago (the "T" makes a "Ch" sound in Portuguese, so his name sounds like "Chi-a-go", and I am Chiffani)... He is a counselor in their stake in Sumaré and he and his wife have four children. His lungs are 90% compromised and they've told his family to prepare for his death. We are praying and fasting for him to recover, or that if it's according to God's plan to take him Home at this time, that his wife and children will be strengthened and blessed to be able to bear this trial faithfully. 

I believe in the power of prayer. I also know that sometimes we need to have trust and faith in God to not be healed if that is His will. This pandemic has sure given everyone stretching experiences. 

I was thinking of people I met and knew on my mission earlier this week, and I spent a little bit of time on facebook trying to find them. I remembered that one lady, Raquel (Natalie's middle name is after her), was the aunt of someone who used to live in my neighborhood back when we lived on 10th east when Ethan was born. I couldn't find her at first, so I looked up a friend who lived there with us. They helped me remember her last name, then I looked her up, found her and her daughter, and looked through their friends and I was able to find Raquel, older son Noel, little Urian, and daughter Aylin, and there is Hermano Garcia! I was excited! 
I also found a lady we baptized when we were in Chandler, Betty! She has left Arizona and is back in Mexico, but yay, I'm happy to reconnect with them! 

So I spent time online doing that today. And as for here at home, for some reason I bought Heavenly Hunks at Costco yesterday and I ate way too many of them. I shall have to find time to sit and wonder why I overate - I wasn't hungry, so I must have been trying to distract myself from dealing with something... I'm not very good yet at knowing how to figure out my emotions when I'm in them. I probably need to make better use of my time.... I have a lot to do but sometimes am trapped by the little people. Like today when I felt obliged to stay with Peter and draw lots of pictures of McQueen for him. Everyone took turns drawing pictures of McQueen for Peter. 

But then they have to do homework, so I stayed for a while. I probably do need to get Audible.... I don't like feeling unproductive. Or I guess I can just think of how it is productive and good to spend time drawing pictures for Peter. It is good for his happiness and development. So we did that and all the other usual stuff - dishes, violin, homework, etc. It was a good day. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Little Learners

One of the delightful moments of my day is seeing Owen's little face through the bus window and waving to him as he passes by. The bus stop is by the Schmidt's house, and then it goes around the block as it leaves the neighborhood, so I give him a kiss and a hug before he gets on the bus, and then I get to wave at him again as I'm on the sidewalk walking back home and they drive by on their way out of the neighborhood. I can't capture his drive by wave on camera, cause the windows are dark so his cute face is barely visible, but I love seeing his hand wave. It's one of my favorite little moments of the week. Kindergarteners are just so sweet. We have to love on them while they still let us!
A few other things from today - I found these books on my desk today with a post it note from Sophi, letting me know that she has finished reading them. 

She is a good little student of the scriptures. She's on the top of the triple bunk bed in the girls room and has a little set up every night where she goes up there and reads with her headlamp. I'm trying to be a good student of learning too. I have so many books I want to read. Maybe I need to start to listen to them, cause I can listen easily while I clean, but I struggle making time to sit and read. I just finished listening to all the episodes of the Naturally Thin Podcast, yay. I'm might re-listen to them, just one a day, to keep my mind focused and in tune to becoming naturally thin. Today I went to Costco with Peter. They had lots of blankets on sale, and kids here seem to never be able to find a blanket when were sitting to read for scriptures, so now that should be taken care of. I got like 8 new very soft and fuzzy blankets for the side room. Yay. Hyrum ordered some glasses today. With how gentle he is on glasses, I'm guessing these new ones will last him until he gets home from his mission. My little Hyrum is all grown up. Owen is probably going to grow up too. Sigh - I'll miss these little people. I hope more little people come into our life when mine are all gone. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Emoji Journal

We got finally got a little bit of snow yesterday! Now our winter sign is happy to have an appropriate backdrop.

I thought I'd share this funny part from Natalie's journal, that she started when we began trying to do "bullet journals". So the girls were really excited about stickers, and Natalie found an emoji sticker for each person and put them in her journal. So funny - "Hi agin. Let's talk about peope in my family. I will put 14 stickers right here" I got a real kick out of Hyrum's, ha!

"Joe - very nice
"Mel - very nice
"Ethan - nice and mean
"Hyrum - funny
"Wesley - nice and mean
"Abi - Abi is a teen so sometimes gets angry"
Natalie didn't put any disclaimers or details on the rest of the stickers. Maybe she thought they were self explanatory (Daniel is a little naughty and sneaky!). But Sophi was like "Why did you make me crying?!?!" I thought it was super cute and loved the 7 year old's perspective of our family. Thanks Natalie, this entry is a treasure. 
Corey worked late tonight. He's still there actually (11pm) but I think he'll be home soon. I got the kids to bed a little earlier than usual and am glad to have a little time to blog. I also caught up on cleaning today after taking two days off. I cleaned while I listened to the Follow Him Podcast with Hank Smith and John Bytheway. Such good stuff. There are so many great podcasts and resources right now for gospel learning, I love it!

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Snowpine Lift

We had plans to go skiing today, but there was a snowstorm in the forecast and we didn't know how bad it would be, so we cancelled our plans last minute. But Corey still had an itching to get up there, so he used his nervous energy to go shopping. He got mountain bikes for Abi, Lily, and Natalie (a friend told him that January is when you get real deals on bikes) and then he went and rented skis for Peter for the season, and he was able to use his points at Ski N See, and they gave him a discount for being a great customer, so he only paid $10 bucks to rent Peter's skis for the rest of the season! Pretty good deal. Well, if Peter has skis, let's go! Corey thought that the Snowpine lift at Alta cost money now, but he called and they said that it is free. (I thought it was called the Grizzly Tow after looking it up, but it must have been an old map. There used to be a tow here, but now they have this nice little lift for beginners.) So we took the kids up (LSNODP and Corey and I). Hyrum, Wes, and Abi stayed home. Peter all suited up and ready to get on the mountain.

He is the CUTEST!!! 
I put on his gloves, then the coat, and I didn't bother pushing his gloves through the wrist of his coat, cause he didn't need to use his hands. If he tried it would be useless with the gloves on anyway. So he just had two nubs. We hiked down the hill, then sat P in the snow while we get our skis on. 
He's ready!
His legs were jello on the first run. I was glad on the second one that he atleast locked his legs. Riding the chair lift, say cheese Peter!
He's like "What in the heck are we doing...." The kids would cheer him on after each run, and reach out their gloves for him to give them a low 5. And he patted their gloves with his clubby appendage. I took him down the hill 3 or 4 times, then Corey took a turn. Corey ended up keeping him the rest of the time. I have a video that I'll upload later, but Corey said "Someone took his spine out..."
Corey got real good at helping TWO toddlers get on the chair lift. It almost knocked Peter over a few times, but Corey's got it, he's a pro. I ski'd down with Daniel, Sophi and Lily. Corey with Natalie, Peter, and Owen.
After having fun for a little over an hour, we headed back to the car. Good job Peter!
First think I did was take off his coat and gloves and let him have use of his hands again. Already tuckered out as he waited for us to finish loading up the car. 
That was a good first experience skiing for him. And it was nice that Daniel didn't protest when it was time to leave. 

Friday, January 22, 2021

Good Days and Hyrum Cashes In

I went on a walk this morning and the mountains and clouds looked beautiful - 
I hope those clouds are going to give us some snow in those mountains! I don't mind at all that we haven't had a lot of snow in the valley and haven't had to worry about driving in the snow, but I also don't want us to be in a drought. A little further to the south - the clouds are hugging the peaks. It was so pretty.

I'm going to give a little shout out to myself. Yesterday morning the kitchen was spankin' clean once again. 

Like the whole kitchen. 

I rearranged my exercise area a little bit and cleaned behind and under the treadmill, which I don't think I've done since I made that little area for myself.

My little motivational wall is still up - speak to yourself as you would to a child (be kind), a photo of Shannon cheering me on, and the Powerful Beyond Measure quote by Marianne Williamson (although most often attributed to Nelson Mandela): “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”

But yeah, I'm just feeling great - I am working so smart and hard and feeling so awesome and I cleaned the toilets today, mopped, did dishes, organized and cleaned the pantry and the corner cupboard and the sink is shined once again tonight as I end the day. And for some reason that I don't understand - it doesn't feel hard! I listened to Talking Scriptures Episode 88 as I cleaned, LOVED IT, so good. I wrote to Ethan, I wrote Mel yesterday, I started to work more on rubbing out the fingernail polish that Daniel spilled on my carpet under my desk.

I made some good progress. Little by little... I was pretty frustrated by that, but it was good that I took a breather and played my violin to calm down. I'm becoming a little more aware and and doing better controlling my frustration emotions - like Mr Rogers! I am doing something that helps me manage my stress! I think that's the biggest thing I'm doing right now. Part of me has been saying "This is totally not normal to have this much energy and to be working this hard... something is wrong!" Am I in some sort of denial or escaping the miscarriage with overworking? I don't know. If all this is a fluke somehow, I'll just enjoy it while it lasts.

Wesley is going to be ordained a priest on Sunday. I took a recent photo of him to send to Corey's mom, so she could put a picture that Wesley approved of on the printout of his line of authority. 
Corey's mom is so great, that she has printed those out for the boys each time they are ordained to a new priesthood office. It is a tradition I hope to continue with for my grandsons. 

After a week of hunting, I ordered barstools today. I ordered these antique white Sharman Bar and Counter stools from Wayfair. I hope the colors work out ok! We got two barstool height and 4 counter stool. Fingers crossed they look good. We'll find out when they are delivered on Feb 9th. 

And last item of news - Before we went on our date, Corey swung by the ATM to withdraw $1K for Hyrum. Corey was on Hyrum's case a little bit because Hyrum wants to take two classes of home release this next semester at school. He argued that it is ok because he's gotten all of the credits that he needs to graduate and he's been accepted to college (he's planning on going to BYU Idaho). Corey said there has to be some other stuff you could learn or do with your time... "I want you to be doing stuff! You haven't even gone on any dates!" Sure, covid has made the high school dating scene different this year, but he wants him to get out there and do stuff at school and with his friends. Hyrum has been taking his courses online this term, but he's going to go in person next semester. Corey encouraged him to start dating. Hyrum said he would if he had some money. Corey decided that Hyrum was worthy to cash in for his no kissing agreement, which Hyrum officially entered into on January 10, 2018, pictured in the photo below. 

We went by the ATM to get some cash. We actually used the EIP card that we received today day in the mail. "This isn't good, and the government shouldn't be doing this and I'm against this in principle..." he said, as he inserted the card into the ATM. 

We went out to eat at Blue Lemon tonight, love that place, it's one of our regulars. I got the Mediterranean salad with some shrimp. Delicioso. Back at home, Corey presented Hyrum with his reward, even though he's not 18 yet. 

Good job, Hyrum.

To quote Corey: "Now go out there and go on dates and start kissin'."

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I Really Hate Fingernail Polish.

Last night, as we were getting kids to bed, Daniel was suspiciously silent and had disappeared. I looked and called for him up in every room. No answer. So that means he's doing something. I called for him again as I turned off the lights as we headed to bed - in the basement, main floor, under the desk which is one of his hiding places... all the lights were off (which normally would smoke him out) so I went upstairs to call for him again up there. I looked in the bedrooms, bedroom closets and then under my bedroom desk, I could see his little shadowy figure sitting quietly. ...and I also smelled something that at first I thought was permanent marker... I bend over and reach in as I ask him what he is doing and I go to take the marker from him as I wondering what damage he has done or is doing under there... then he dropped it, and I quickly learned that it was not a marker, but it was a container of blue fingernail polish. As it fell, it left a splash of polish across the carpet and on the sides of the desk. Darn it, WHY DOES HE HAVE FINGERNAIL POLISH!?!?! Abi had just been painting her nails and left her little bin of polishes on her desk, within toddler reach. I already knew that I hate fingernail polish. And I didn't buy it this time, cause I don't buy it anymore, but Sophi was being nice and was at the dollar store the other day with Corey and she bought Abi some blue fingernail polish. So I was like "AHH!!" I didn't scream by my mind was staring to go ballistic. I yell "ABI!!!" (she was just getting out of the shower) "YOU LEFT YOUR FINGERNAIL POLISH OUT AND DANIEL FOUND THEM!" I tried to wipe it up, but now in hindsight I think I should have just left it to dry and then tried to cut it off of the carpet. But instead, in my panic, I tried to wipe it, and I ended up just spreading it around and rubbing it in deeper into the carpet fibers. Darn darny darn. I told Abi that she will be spending time cleaning this up over the next few days. And I threw the blue polish into the trash as hard as I could.

I do have hope that we will be able to get it out eventually, since we got some off of the front room carpet a while back when the girls had a sleepover with their cousins here. They spilled some in the front room and the cousins, who come from a house full of girls, said that it happens at their house and you can get it out with fingernail polish, so we tried it and it worked. Thankfully it was just a little bit that time and it was also of a lighter color. This blue will be harder, but I have hope. I didn't work on it last night, but I went and hid in the closet and played the violin to calm down. I worked on it today and it looks better, I got most of the small splatters and bits off.
Stupid fingernail polish. Our bedroom is still very clean, except for this blue blemish on the carpet. I will try to not have my heart set on a clean house. But it is nice and is a goal I will continue to strive for, a house of cleanliness and of order. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Barstool Hunting

Things are going well with making our house a home. Next on our list of things to upgrade is our black barstools. I found wood barstools on the classifieds years ago and primed and painted them a glossy white, but it still chips off and they are in need of a repainting every year (they could use it twice or three times a year, but I limit it to one and put it on the spring cleaning checklist. 

Last time I painted them, I noticed like the same day or next day, no kidding, they had all been scratched all around the edges of the seat. And one had a big scratch taken across the whole top. "What the heck you guys!?!?!?" Sophi is a meek child and admitted her guilt. It was just gummy and came off so easily, she couldn't help herself. So I thought "forget it" and we've left them looking ugly. So barstools have been on my list of "next thing to take care of" and I decided this is the week to get it done, and went barstool hunting today. It's been nice having Hyrum taking classes online, it gives me a chance to do errand runs sans kids when I need/want to. Today was one of those days. Hyrum needed a spiral notebook, so I went to Walmart for that, but also started my hunt. Walmart's options weren't great. Next stops - Ashley furniture and Furniture Row. 

I got a few ideas there, but no barstool eureka moments. I think we're going for saddle stools... This one looked about right, but it was only 24 inches. We need taller. Also we can't have a fabric top... 

I thought this little side table thing at Furniture row was cute. Might be good for a sofa table? I'm still trying to figure out our backpacks-left-all-over-the-floor problem... Maybe we could tuck them under something like this. Still thinking... 
Back to barstools... I went over to Ikea. They had some flimsy counter height chairs for $18... we didn't love them, but would be better than what we have. I also wanted to go by there to get new cups, cause I'm sick of the kids using the huge dinner tumbers every time they want a small drink of water, cause they seriously fill up the dishwasher so quickly. So we needed more small cups. I decided to get new bowls and plates too- the pastel ones, and it's a nice change! They had plates and bowls but no cups. So I was bummed about that and figured I'd just buy them online. Then after working my way through their huge store to the exit, they had cups there at the door! I had put the plates and bowls back, but by the door they didn't have the bowls, just the cups and plates, so I went through the maze to get back to the kids section and get the bowls. I don't love their layout, but I know it's coming when I go. I don't go there often enough to know my way around and be able to get out quickly. After working up a sweat, I had the cups, bowls, and plates, and grabbed two new stools while I was at it (the new lime green matches our current bathroom colors better than the blue). And I got some fake flowers that kind alook like our summer roses (4th and 5th pics). I finally made it out, phew, I was breaking a sweat. Still hunting for barstools... I was going to run over to RC Willey too, but on my walk over there, I noticed that I had a message from Corey telling him that Peter called him at work, which unnerved him and made him feel that he was not being watched, so he went home. I thought Natalie had probably dialed Corey on Peter's behalf (Natalie was home with a sore throat today) and she did, but I hurried home anyway and didn't go into RC Willey. I can probably find all their inventory online anyway. So, I plan on getting barstools soon, and today was good for figuring out options and price ranges of things. I'm still checking on the classifieds too. So that was most of what I did today - little ideas for home improvement. The house is still very clean and I love it. I read today that monarch butterflies are in decline and that made me very sad. But I still think life is good and that we can trust in God to get us through our trials. Life is good!

Monday, January 18, 2021

Santaquin & Playing with Wes

We took a drive to Santaquin yesterday. Iveth and Diego invited us down for dinner. Before we got to their house, we went by Payson to see where Corey's mortal basically life began (since his parents are both from Payson and met and got engaged there). We drove by Grandma Curtis' house and then by Helen's house, and told a few stories about our memories surrounding the Payson Onion Days.

Our detour made us just a little late, but it was ok. When we got there, there were a lot of hispanics on their way out after the Sunday mass. One family stayed around and so we didn't visit that much with I&D cause we were talking with them. But it was nice to see Iveth and Diego and the kids all had fun playing. They were mostly running outside shooting laser guns at each other. We stayed inside where Corey shared the hololens thing with them and Father David. Corey rented that for a work project. The kids have enjoyed playing with it sometimes and Iveth and Diego thought it was fun too.

Pictures of Father David wearing it are on Corey's phone. It was fun. Corey and Diego and Father David played Jenga. Corey is pretty much a jenga master. 

So it was fun. We are a little sad that they've moved on and are far away and are so busy. But it's nice that Father David comes by to visit us. He came by for dinner last month and is coming by again on the 30th. 

Here's the daily photo of Peter sleeping, with his cute little feet crossed and tucked under his tummy. Such a cute little boy.

Wesley and Peter were playing their fun pretending to shoot each other game today. 
It can also be called the "I died, kiss me, I'm alive!" They shoot each other with their finger guns or zap each other with the force laser beams, then they die. If Peter dies, Wes will kiss him or he might eat him. 
Usually they only die one at a time, but today they both died at the same time, which makes it a little trickier for one of them to be the hero.
Wes was dead and couldn't speak. I tell him "Peter! go kiss Wes!" and he dutifully revived himself and went to do his prince charming job. 

One of the many reasons that Wes is Peter's favorite is because he will show him pictures of Disney cars on his computer and he'll also play the Cars songs. Peter was in Wesley's room listening to the Cars soundtrack tonight.
He was looking through a duplo lego cars instruction book that came with his birthday present last week (It arrived late, and I didn't wrap it, but Peter was ok with that)
Wes has left him in there listening to the music, but Peter found and put on the hat on his own. We thought that was pretty cute. And Wes was reading him this Disney Pixar Character Encyclopedia book and they looked at all the Cars characters. "Who is that?" Peter says: "Quee" So easy, Wes, give him a hard one!
None of them are hard for Peter. Peter is a little Cars fan just like Wesley was. I remember more than a decade ago, when Wesley was 3, after Hyrum would leave for kindergarten, I'd put baby Abi down for a nap and would turn on "McQueen" for little Wesley to watch. 
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