Things are going well with making our house a home. Next on our list of things to upgrade is our black barstools. I found wood barstools on the classifieds years ago and primed and painted them a glossy white, but it still chips off and they are in need of a repainting every year (they could use it twice or three times a year, but I limit it to one and put it on the spring cleaning checklist.
Last time I painted them, I noticed like the same day or next day, no kidding, they had all been scratched all around the edges of the seat. And one had a big scratch taken across the whole top. "What the heck you guys!?!?!?" Sophi is a meek child and admitted her guilt. It was just gummy and came off so easily, she couldn't help herself. So I thought "forget it" and we've left them looking ugly. So barstools have been on my list of "next thing to take care of" and I decided this is the week to get it done, and went barstool hunting today. It's been nice having Hyrum taking classes online, it gives me a chance to do errand runs sans kids when I need/want to. Today was one of those days. Hyrum needed a spiral notebook, so I went to Walmart for that, but also started my hunt. Walmart's options weren't great. Next stops - Ashley furniture and Furniture Row.

I got a few ideas there, but no barstool eureka moments. I think we're going for saddle stools... This one looked about right, but it was only 24 inches. We need taller. Also we can't have a fabric top...
I thought this little side table thing at Furniture row was cute. Might be good for a sofa table? I'm still trying to figure out our backpacks-left-all-over-the-floor problem... Maybe we could tuck them under something like this. Still thinking...

Back to barstools... I went over to Ikea. They had some flimsy counter height chairs for $18... we didn't love them, but would be better than what we have. I also wanted to go by there to get new cups, cause I'm sick of the kids using the huge dinner tumbers every time they want a small drink of water, cause they seriously fill up the dishwasher so quickly. So we needed more small cups. I decided to get new bowls and plates too- the pastel ones, and it's a nice change! They had plates and bowls but no cups. So I was bummed about that and figured I'd just buy them online. Then after working my way through their huge store to the exit, they had cups there at the door! I had put the plates and bowls back, but by the door they didn't have the bowls, just the cups and plates, so I went through the maze to get back to the kids section and get the bowls. I don't love their layout, but I know it's coming when I go. I don't go there often enough to know my way around and be able to get out quickly. After working up a sweat, I had the cups, bowls, and plates, and grabbed two new stools while I was at it (the new lime green matches our current bathroom colors better than the blue). And I got some fake flowers that kind alook like our summer roses (
4th and 5th pics). I finally made it out, phew, I was breaking a sweat. Still hunting for barstools... I was going to run over to RC Willey too, but on my walk over there, I noticed that I had a message from Corey telling him that Peter called him at work, which unnerved him and made him feel that he was not being watched, so he went home. I thought Natalie had probably dialed Corey on Peter's behalf (Natalie was home with a sore throat today) and she did, but I hurried home anyway and didn't go into RC Willey. I can probably find all their inventory online anyway. So, I plan on getting barstools soon, and today was good for figuring out options and price ranges of things. I'm still checking on the classifieds too. So that was most of what I did today - little ideas for home improvement. The house is still very clean and I love it. I read today that
monarch butterflies are in decline and that made me very sad. But I still think life is good and that we can trust in God to get us through our trials. Life is good!