Saturday, May 29, 2021

Pineview and Dinner Guests

Corey took ASNODP to Pineview Reservoir last night. I stayed home with Lily and Wes, who both have homework to do. Lily has a .4 right now in her science class, which is a very solid F. She blames it on the teacher, but we insist you can still get good grades with not engaging teachers, as we have both done it in our jr. high days. Wesley has a B- in math which is a huge improvement! ...But he also currently had 3 Fs, in World History, 3D Design, and English (17% in there, like what is going on?!!) He had a C in architecture and a B in Chemistry, so we'll see where this ends up after this last weekend of school. He's working all the time and has been working pretty much consistently this weekend from what I can tell, so we'll see.

Anyway, with Corey taking the little ones away, I was looking forward to getting an uninterrupted night of sleep, thanks sweetheart ! I also thought that I would get work done - either reading, blogging, practicing violin, exercising, something, but part of the tragedy of staying behind with just one or two kids, is that YOU become the playmate and companion. This is also a reason why large families are really great. But as for this weekend, Lily didn't have any siblings to keep her busy, thus that role fell to me. I texted Corey that I should have kept Peter so that Lily would have someone to play with/babysit. Instead she talked my ear off. After the first few hours and as we got closer to bedtime, I realized I was not going to get anything done at home with her, so I gave up on trying that and I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk. She and I went on a brief hike in the canyon, where she proceeded to chatter about all her school and friend thoughts. It was cute, but also tragic to not be able to get anything done when the toddlers were all gone. Lily didn't work on homework last night because she had turned in her chromebook and couldn't remember her password. I told her that I wished she hadn't avoided me and my "do your homework" reminders all day, cause we could have probably called the school and gotten it, but now it's the weekend and grr. I texted Corey the bad news that she wasn't able to get any homework done, and thankfully with his parent control monitoring tools he was able to find it, yay! So I presented that to her this morning and said "get to work!" while I ran errands. I first went to Rancho Market to get some coarse sea salt so that Corey could cook up a nice churrascaria tonight, and then I went by Costco for the meat. At Costco I bought him a good birthday/Father's day gift - a set of two Lion Energy Power banks - the guy said that they hold enough power to charge a cell phone eight times! So that will be good! Because his phone died on their outing, as he predicted it would last night, and he was saying we should get something like that. Thanks Costco! So Lily worked on science and Wes did his school work, I went to the gym and then ran errands and then came home and cleaned the kitchen while I listened to podcasts with only a few interruptions from her or Wes. I was sad that I still didn't get any reading or much violin practicing done, but I was able to do a little bit. But I knew today was going to mostly be busy cleaning, which I did for several hours, and getting dinner ready. the house and dinner all looked great when they got here, go me. Corey was able to shower and get ready for guests. Eric and Sarah Jane got her first at 4:30, and Corey took them up to the Quarry Trail to try and lure them into moving into our neighborhood, haha, and then Father David arrived at 5:30. Corey brought ODP home with him, and ASN stayed a bit longer and Corey's parents brought are on their way home with them right now. 

Lily played legos with their little girl Hannah, who is like 2, and Lily got down a stack of paper bowls for some reason and they played with those until Owen and Daniel found them and took them outside onto the trampoline, where they kept Eric and Sarah's little boy Peter and our three boys well entertained. 

They all thought that was fun that there were two Peters! They came up with a game of "bounce the stack of paper bowls" and they had a great time making a mess with that. 


Corey, Eric, and Father David stayed inside and talked while Sarah Jane and I watched the kids outside. She and I had little totally non-competitive game of badminton with kids under our feet while we hit the badminton birdie back and forth and talked about stuff and tried to avoid hitting them on the heads with our rackets. On one hit it was really funny cause the birdie happened to fall close to Daniel, who had a racket and two birdies and was playing his own game, but he hit our birdie up as if he was secretly watching us play the whole time and was just waiting for it to come to him. Sarah and I both laughed and she said "His hand eye coordination is so amazing for a four year old! Wow!" So it was a nice evening, another successful visit with Father David. We talked about The Chosen with him and I learned more what Catholics believe about the virgin Mary, that she was a virgin before her conception, during her pregnancy, and after the birth of Christ. They believe that Mary was sinless and free from the curse of Adam's transgression, so the punishment in Genesis 3:16 didn't apply to her, saying that "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children..." The footnote for multiply there says that in Hebrew it means "increase thy discomfort and thy size (i.e., in the condition and process of pregnancy)" and therefore when she gave birth to Jesus, it was without the sin of sorrow in bringing forth children, so her delivery of Christ was pain-free and blood-less, unlike how it is described by Mary in The Chosen Season 2 Episode 3. So I thought that was interesting. Father David said he's ok with the incorrect portrayal because the director isn't Catholic. 

One quick story that the "pain in childbirth" topic makes me think of - we have a friend Eduardo, who once when I was probably pregnant and he and Corey were talking about the upcoming delivery, I can't remember, but Corey mentioned how I was going to get an epidural and had had the epidural before, and he was concerned that I shouldn't do that because women are supposed to have pain in childbirth, haha. Corey was like "Well I'M not going to tell her she can't have it!!" my thoughts were "Don't worry, pregnancy is plenty painful the whole long nine months, so I'm good - I've felt the pain!" 

I'm really loving The Chosen. I recently listened to the "Cultivate a Good Life" podcast's interview with Dallas Jenkins and how they talk about how it is really bringing all different religions of Christianity together, it's great. I loved how he said that the title of "The Chosen" refers to three groups: the Jews, the disciples, and Christ! Such good stuff. I'm glad that we have a friendship with Father David. As he left today, he asked Corey if he'd be interested in meeting a friend of his who converted from the Church of Jesus Christ to Catholcism, and Corey said sure, so that will be interesting. I don't know if his friend would come over to eat with Father David or if Corey and he would meet up for lunch, so we'll see, but it's all good. Jesus is real and I love him and his Gospel and all of his good followers.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Last Day of Elementary

Sophi and Natalie had their last day of 2nd and 3rd grade today. 

After seeing them off, we played outside with the cottonwood seeds for a while.
Owen was chasing the fuzzies down the street.
Owen's last day was last Thursday, and then he had a test with his teacher on Tuesday (he's "well below" benchmark, doh!) and today we went to a Kindergarten Picnic. I said we were going to the park, cause that is where it was at, but Peter was ticked when we walked over to where the group was sitting on the grass, instead of going to the slide. He went to the slide and insisted I follow him. I did.
But then I walked away and tried to be quick, so I could take a picture of Owen and Daniel sitting on the grass, which I thought was pretty sweet. I didn't bring a blanket for them, sorry guys.
Peter yelled at me and ran after me and then sat on the grass with us.
They called up all of the kids to come get a little plastic medal and a certificate. He was at the end of the alphabet, so we waited a little bit. Peter was patient. It was Owen's turn. They read his little sheet that he filled out about his favorite Kindergarten things. 
His first answer made me laugh about what he wants to be when he grows up. I don't the poor kid knows what's going on half the time. 
Then we played at the park until 1, then we had to head home, because Natalie and Sophi were getting out early at 1 today. Back at home, Natalie played with Peter. I was so tired, I took a nap and vaguely remember her telling me that she was going to take Peter over to the neighborhood "end of the school year" party at 3. That's when I got up. I went over and was a little late, but I arrived in time to see the color fun.
Peter enjoying a popsicle.
And then the kids all ran up to me to tell me that WE HAD TO GET A PET CAT cause our neighbor still had 3 kittens left and can we please get one?!?! "For my birthday????" Lily begged... 
Peter liked the kitten. 
They were super cute, I admit. I texted Corey to "ask", and he replied "NO!! Kittens become CATS!!!" 
Too bad. No kids, we can't have a cat. As Corey has told you before, you can have a cat or you can have a father, but you can't have both. 
Natalie wasn't allowed to touch them with the color chalk all over her.
We had to leave to take Natalie to ballet and Peter was a bit stuffed up after that, so I think he's allergic too. We hurried home and she took a quick bath before class. She got her costume today and it's very pink and sparkly and pretty. She is excited for the Cinderella performance. Peter fell asleep in the car, so I read a book and opened the windows and we waited for her to be done. Back at home, Peter was still tired. I tried to wake Peter up. 

My pretty little boy.
Later tonight, after everyone had baths, we had a yoyo dinner, Corey was eating some kimchi after he got home from work. Peter wanted some. Corey gave him some thinking Peter'd be grossed out, but was surprised that Peter kept wanting more. 
Corey's like "It's ok... you don't have to eat it..." as Peter looked a little grossed out by it but kept taking another bite anyway.

Maybe kimchi gives Peter his super powers!
I was glad that Peter was willing to wear a batman outfit today since the Spiderman one is getting out of the laundry. Peter is such a flexible little guy.
I think his spiderman shirt is clean now, but I just haven't folded that basket. Peter following along for scriptures. 
Cute little boy.
Ready for prayer, we love this little guy.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Ballroom Performance

Abi has been in ballroom again this year, and they had a performance this evening. I had a busy day with lost of things, but she let me know that the dress code was red lipstick, fake lashes, and hair back in a low ponytail. Abi was still home feeling the last of her illness toady and saving up any energy for the performance, so she babysat while I went to get her stuff (and do a lot of other running around) and then I did her make up when I got home. She was feeling pretty fancy schmancy.

Joseph and Wesley were both in ballroom, and I'm glad that I documented their performances atleast once, but if Abi had a performance last before covid hit last year, unfortunately it didn't make the blog, I therefore have no memory of it. So we were excited to document her 2021 debut today. She was going to go to school just for the ballroom class so she could rehearse, so I drove her out there but when I called to excuse her absences for the rest of the day, they informed me that 4th period, which was ballroom, was going to end in 10 minutes. That was as I was dropping her off for what would normally be the starting of class. They said it was because there was assembly schedule because of an awards assmebly at the end of the day. Darn it. So I let Abi run in for 10 minutes and I ran over to Skyline to try and get Hyrum's cap and gown. I first had to check with Hyrum's counselor if he's good to graduate, and it looks like he is! 

He had one more grade that he needed to get up to passing, and, he did, so yay, we're glad he is cleared to graduate! Sure... it would be nice if our kids were beyond the point of being relieved to be passing, but this is where we're at. Since he's already accepted to college and stuff we won't give him a hard time about it. They told me that they were handing out caps and gowns at little snack shack near the cafeteria but not until 11, ok cool, I'll just come back after I take Wes to GTI. So I got the yellow card, I went back for Abi and took her home. I grabbed Wes and turned right around without the little boys and took W to the GTI for his architecture class. After taking him, it was about 11:15 so I stopped by Skyline to get his cap and gown, and was then going to try and go to the gym on my way home, but turns out they weren't passing out gowns until 12, blah. I didn't have time to do anything productive, so I just waited in the car and re-listened to the Follow Him podcast and took notes from episode 20, I love that one. I've listened to it like 3 times now. After getting the cap and gown, I went home to make a lunch for Wes and Corey, then drove to GTI to pick up Wes and then dropped off Wes at the Salt Mine to work. Then I did my makeup errand and gym workout and then back home around 3:30, in time for when the kids got home. Got Abi ready, a little bit of homework and kitchen clean up, then kids sock and shoes on, and we left late for her 6:30 call time, but it was ok. It was a nice performance. This blue dress was one of her favorites. She's the short haired blonde in the middle, in case you didn't know.
Front and center again - 
And taking the solo female lead!
There were a lot of costume changes! Fyi, she hated this green and white dress. 
But it was fuuunn, good job Abi! It was fun to watch you dance. Good job me on getting us here and supporting you!! I've been doing a lot lately, motherhood and chauffeur wise, so I'm proud of myself. I'm up late blogging this - Corey has been working late a lot this week and last week on the behalf of his co-worker Wesley. 😜 Wesley has been working hard to get everything done for a BYU Independent Study class ...that he's had a year to do but put off mostly until this last month. It was due today, and around 11:50 I got a text from Corey just informing me that Wes admitted that he wasn't going to finish, so Corey remembered he could pay a $20 fee to buy him an extension. So they just did that and are on their way home now. That was a long day for them, too. Owen didn't like going to bed without Wes, so he came in here and feel asleep with Peter. I was here typing so I didn't lay down with P, but they both eventually collapsed. Peter's neck looking very relaxed as he slept on Owen's legs.


That is how a just-getting-by's mother's children look at the end of the day. Not very comfortable imho, but I guess he'll fix it if it's bothering him. He just fixed it.
Cute little boys. Anything else from today.... Oh I got a text from Corey, showing his text from Hyrum, that he (Hyrum) got his first independent sale today! He got it all by himself, yay Hyrum! That makes a total of 4 sales I think. The other's he had when he was "shadowing" Joseph or something, so H didn't feel that those really counted. It's been a month today since they headed out. Hyrum expected having more sales than that by now, but that's ok. Door to door sales is not a fun job, but it will be good mission prep either way. That's todays wrap, and that clock up on the wall keeps tickin'

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Summer Chart

I was brainstorming out loud today as I picked up Wes from seminary and took him to work with Corey. With summer soon to be upon us, I was trying to think of how to get the kids working and being self motivated (reading, practicing, cleaning) without me having to nag. Wesley said that he remembered and liked it when he did the reading chart in Brazil. Hmmm, that's a good idea! And it's also a good idea from a now teenager of something that was positive when he was a young 10 year old. Ok, we'll do that! That should work on my elementary kids! So I made a chart today - 

One chart that the kids can use for reading, practicing, and chores (little place to check off in the top right corner there). If they want to do all 3 things, they'll take 3 charts and work on it, and at the end of the summer they could each be $150 bucks richer. I also remember when I was a kid, probably early teen, my youth group at church gave us a Summer Fun checklist with all these ideas of things to do, and I was very diligent at trying to check them all off with a star sticker. Maybe I'll make a family fun checklist like that too. 

Abi has been home yesterday and today feeling sick - sore throat and super snotty nose. 
It's really bad timing because she is in ballroom and they have a performance tomorrow. She missed the after school rehearsal yesterday but saved up her energy to make it today. She went to school late but in time for Ballroom and then she stayed for rest of school and for the after school rehearsal. She and Wes both got their covid vaccination shots over the weekend, so it might be that, or it could also be whatever Daniel and Natalie had. She felt well enough, though, that she babysat the boys for a little bit while I went to the gym. I went by Smiths on the way home and was excited to see a Ford Fiesta! Hyrum, Joseph! Are you guys in Smiths?!? I guess it doesn't have all the window stickers, darn. 
I was excited to see it though, I miss those boys. 

A few pictures from Sunday - Here is my cute Peter dressed as a soccer lovin' mandalorian 
On Sunday we found a new genre of youtube videos - lego bible videos! The Good Samaratin, Queen Esther, Jonah, stuff like that, fun! I'm a little surprised we hadn't looked these up before. The liked those. The highlight for me was watching episode 5 of The Chosen. I LOVE IT. I love it all. I have no complaints about the Chosen and don't thin I will, I just love it. Such great work all around. 

Yesterday morning I found this in the girls' room by Natalie's bed. So cute. 
"From Natalie to Jesus. I have two dreams. 1) Have long hair. 2) Be good at ballet and tapping. Please have these be true tomorrow." I love it. She is such a beautiful little girl. And also from yesterday - I drove carpool, only one more day and then next week, we're almost done! Then I also took Wes to GTI, and picked him up from GTI, and we had violin and talked to our missionaries and pest control kids. 
H was struggling, Corey talked with him on a separate video call, but Ethan was waiting to talk to Corey, so Corey told H he'd call him back since E has a p-day is over deadline, and then he called back Hyrum after talking with Eth. 
We also went on a quick bike ride at the mouth of the canyon. It was fun. 
Peter likes riding shotgun!
I hope this summer will be filled with a little bit of cleaning in the mornings, a good session of reading and music practice, and then lots of biking, hiking, and swimming fun!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

1 - 2 - 3 Little Boys

One little boy
Asleep on a pillow
One little boy on my floor.

(May 19th)

Two little boys
Dreaming dreams together
Two little boys on my floor. 
(May 22)

Three little boys 
Feeling safe together
Three little boys on my floor.
(May 23rd)
Corey cleaning up the house today while the kids watched some church lego cartoons. He vented a bit "Your mom and I are here cleaning, and no one wants to help! No one is getting up! You're all just sitting there!" Silence as he continued to vent a little bit "No one feels guilty that mom and I do all the work around here!" Then Natalie's little voice, as she continued to sit on the couch and looked over at Corey with bright eyes, sweetly and sincerely said "I feel guilty!" That made us laugh, and then she smiled too, it was cute. I trust that someday they will learn to help, and that we will miss not having little boys asleep on our floor.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Last Soccer Games

Today we the last games of soccer for Sophi and Lily.

They got pretty cool medals! Sophi really enjoyed soccer this year and she definitely wants to play again next season.

I went to Sophi's game while Corey took Lily (and ODP). I came home to just WAN, so I had a bit of freedom with no toddlers, so Sophi and I went to help my mom plant a tree. My mom had asked for Abi to come help, but Abi was mowing the lawn, and Abi had a flute performance later and might not be able to do it then, so I decided to just go and it was good. On their fridge I took this picture of a quote that my mom shared with me cause she loved it and cause it was on my birthday. Now it is on her fridge. This is from her Mr. Roger's quote desk calendar. 

There are great quotes in that... Maybe I'll have to get one too.

I am so thankful to have a bedrock testimony of the Jesus Christ. I love Him, I love his gospel! He knows I will follow him. I will give all my life to him. He is my firm foundation. Back at home, the kids were playing badmitton in the backyard and jumping on the trampoline.
Lily took a nap with Peter. 

So sweet. 

While he was sleeping, I did a bit of reading. I'm almost through with the Tom Christofferson book. I  also tried to blog, but the computer wasn't working, so went on a bike ride doing the canyon loop, it was fun, but going uphill is EXHAUSTING! Even in a lower gear my legs are just BURNING. Good stuff. After I was done with the canyon I was heading home and then for fun I thought I'd do my I did my usual jogging loop, which is a lot more fun on a bike, and while I was on thaaat, I smelled something AMAZING. I turned around and biked up again to see where the smell was and what it was coming from. It was actually across the street - WHAT IS THIS PLANT!?!

I had flashbacks of date nights in Chile, very similar smell in my opinion to honey suckles (I think)... sniff - ahhhhh! 

It smells sooo lovely!